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Revision as of 11:14, 10 January 2015

8051 USB Starter Kit.jpg

8051 Starter USB Development kit is designed kick start your 8051 Development without any hassles. The Kit was made after a lot of thought on making it the best combination of easily available parts with minimal cost and great quality. Keeping in mind that this being used by hobbyists, learners and students there are chances of MCU going bad, hence we choose a low cost AT89S52, which is easily available at great price! Our intent was to make the kit complete in all aspects, ready to go!

Kit Contents

Srl no Item Description Quantity
1 8051 Starter USB Development board with AT89S52 MCU 1
2 USBasp Based AT89S Series Programmer 1
3 LCD 16 x 2 1
4 DC 12V, 1A Power Adapter 1
5 5X2 FRC Cable 1
6 USB A to B Cable 1
7 Female to Female Single pin connectors 10


Programming Software

Setting up the XploreFlash Programmer

Step 1: Xplore flash is based on various opensource software, it requires avrdude. Avrdude is part of WinAVR GCC complier. Download and install it.

Step 2: Download and install USB driver for the programmer.

Step 3: Download and install XploreFlash GUI. (XploreFlash GUI is based on AVRDUDESS)

Step 4: Follow Step by step guide on using the programmer software XploreFlash program the micrcontroller. The GUI software will require .NET framework 2.0 or later please download and install it.

Alternate Software for flashing hex file: Prog ISP

Download progisp

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