• Below example demonstrates the step by step procedure to include the libraries into any applications.

Step 1: Open the Avr AtmelStudio-6 and select the New project from File Menu as shown below. File:1Open AvrAtmel.jpg

Step 2: Browse to your project folder and provide the project name and click on Ok. File:2Give ProjName.jpg

File:2.1Give ProjName.jpg

File:2.2Give ProjName.jpg

Step 3: Once the project is saved a new dialog box “Device Selection” opens, Select Atmega32 and click OK. File:3Device Selection.jpg

Step 4: Once the project is successfully created the below window opens with the initil .c file .<br\> Note:

  • The initial file name will be same as project name.

File:4Initial CFile.jpg

Step 5: Write your program using the library functions and save it. Note: Include the respective header files before calling any library functions.