Ever wanted to have two hardware Serial Ports, two SPI, two I2C and more PWM pins on the Arduino Pro Mini? Tit has all of this, and retains the same form factor. Tit uses Atmega328PB at its core.

Tit, is pin compatible with Arduino Pro Mini, the chip Atmega328pb is software compatible with Atmega328p. Hence all the existing code and libraries should work without any changes. Tit uses higher version of avr-gcc toolchain, we have bundled it up as a package along with additional libraries required to access the extra features. Check the setup section on installing support for the board in the Arduino IDE. Tit-2.JPG


Setup on Windows

  1. Download the Tit-Windows support files.
  2. Extract the content \hardware directory of your arduino sketch directory.
  3. After extracting the directory structure should look like ..\Documents\Arduino\hardware\Tit-Windows
  4. Open the Arduino IDE, select the board as Tit, and verify if the sketch comiles.
Tit Compile.png

Note:To get the latest version you may check the latest release on github

Setup on Linux 64 bit

Setup on MAC


References and Credits