Sandeep (talk) 15:46, 19 November 2015 (IST)

Introducing Starling, the modular internet connected display to show your tweeter feed, game scores, upcoming meetings, news or simply your name. Features:

  • Modular: Individuals modules can be added on the fly without changing the firmware or the software.
  • MCU driven: Individual LED modules are driven by Atmega8 instead of ASIC. It allows flexibility addressing, programming and interface support.
  • Cloud Connected: The modules are are driven by ESP8266 which also connects to a WiFi Router and though it the the Internet.
  • MQTT: reliable and fast. The Starling is connected to the MQTT broker hosted on a scalable clould
  • Smart-Phone Apps: Apps for Android and iOS to display text or custom messages.
  • Hackable with APIs: The APIs provide a way to easily display anything on the internet from twitter feed to scores, for the programmer in you.

The Hardware

The Firmware

Smartphone Apps

The Cloud and APIs

Simple Demos