
The Real time clock DS1307 IC basically is stand alone time clock. Well, basically we can use a micrcontroller to keep time, but the value would go off as soon as it is powered off.

The RTC DS1307 is a handy solution to keep time all the way, when it is powered by a coin cell.

It is uses I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol, referred to as I-squared-C, I-two-C, or IIC for communication with the micrcontroller.

Check the Basics of I2C here, if you are not familiar with it. For details of I2C in AVR, go through AVR Communication Protocols tutorial.



Schematic AVR Interfacing RTC.JPG


The code is very simple. As we are going to display date and time on LCD, we will first initialize LCD and DS1307. Then we need to set time and date only once. Now just read date and time from DS1307 and display it on LCD.

Check LCD Interfacing and DS1307 Working here to know more.

#include <avr\io.h>    // io.h contains the defnition of all ports and SFRs
#include "lcd.h"	         //User defined LCD library which conatins the lcd routines
#include "ds1307.h"    //User defined library which conatins the RTC(ds1307) routines
/* start the main program */
void main() 
   unsigned char sec,min,hour,day,month,year;
  /* Initilize the lcd before displaying any thing on the lcd */
  /* Initilize the RTC(ds1307) before reading or writing time/date */
  /*Set the time and Date only once */
   DS1307_SetTime(0x10,0x40,0x20);  //  10:40:20 am
   DS1307_SetDate(0x04,0x02,0x15);  //  4th Feb 2015
  /* Display "Time" on first line*/
   LCD_DisplayString("Time: ");
   /* Display "Date" on Second line*/
   LCD_DisplayString("Date: ");
   /* Display the Time and Date continuously */ 
	 /* Read the Time from RTC(ds1307) */ 
	/* Display the time on Firstline-7th position*/
	 /* Read the Date from RTC(ds1307) */ 
	 /* Display the Date on Secondline-7th position*/