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Now we will see how kernel does task switching depending upon the priorities.
Now we will see how kernel does task switching depending upon the priorities.
If you want to know what is task switching, check this.
If you are not familiar with what is task switching, check this.

Revision as of 13:53, 8 April 2015

Amruta (talk) 13:43, 8 April 2015 (IST)


In last tutorial we saw the effect of vTaskDelay() function.

Now we will see how kernel does task switching depending upon the priorities.

If you are not familiar with what is task switching, check this.


/* Scheduler include files. */
#include "FreeRtOSConfig.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "croutine.h"
#include "uart.h"			/* Explore Embedded UART library */
xTaskHandle TaskHandle_1;
xTaskHandle TaskHandle_2;
xTaskHandle TaskHandle_3;
xTaskHandle TaskHandle_4;
xTaskHandle TaskHandle_5;
/* Local Tasks declaration */
static void MyTask1(void* pvParameters);
static void MyTask2(void* pvParameters);
static void MyTask3(void* pvParameters);
static void MyTask4(void* pvParameters);
static void MyTask5(void* pvParameters);
static void MyIdleTask(void* pvParameters);
#define LED_IdleTask 0x01u
#define LED_Task1    0x02u
#define LED_Task2    0x04u
#define LED_Task3    0x08u
#define LED_Task4    0x10u
#define LED_Task5    0x20u
int main(void)
	SystemInit();			/* Initialize the microcontroller system */
	LPC_GPIO2->FIODIR = 0xffffffffu;
	UART_Init(38400);		/* Initialize the Uart module */
	/* Create the three tasks with priorities 1,2,3 */ 
	xTaskCreate( MyTask1, ( signed char * )"Task1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, &TaskHandle_1);
	xTaskCreate( MyTask3, ( signed char * )"Task3", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 3, &TaskHandle_3 );
	xTaskCreate( MyIdleTask, ( signed char * )"IdleTask", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );
	UART_Printf("\n\rIn main function, invoking scheduler");
	vTaskStartScheduler();		/* Start the schedular */
static void MyTask1(void* pvParameters)
	LED_PORT = 	LED_Task1;	  /* Led to indicate the execution of Task1*/
	UART_Printf("\n\rIn Task1");
static void MyTask2(void* pvParameters)
	LED_PORT = 	LED_Task2;	  /* Led to indicate the execution of Task2*/
	UART_Printf("\n\rIn Task2 ");
static void MyTask3(void* pvParameters)
	LED_PORT = 	LED_Task3;	  /* Led to indicate the execution of Task3*/	
	UART_Printf("\n\rTask3, creating new tasks 2");
    /* Create two new tasks 2, 4 */
	xTaskCreate( MyTask2, ( signed char * )"Task2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 2, &TaskHandle_2);
	UART_Printf("\n\rTask3, creating new tasks 4");
	xTaskCreate( MyTask4, ( signed char * )"Task4", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 4, &TaskHandle_4);
	LED_PORT = 	LED_Task3;	  /* Led to indicate the execution of Task3*/
	UART_Printf("\n\rBack in Task3, Creating Task5");
	xTaskCreate( MyTask5, ( signed char * )"Task5", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 5, &TaskHandle_5);
	LED_PORT = 	LED_Task3;	  /* Led to indicate the execution of Task3*/
	UART_Printf("\n\rBack in Task3, Exiting task3");
static void MyTask4(void* pvParameters)
	LED_PORT = 	LED_Task4;	  /* Led to indicate the execution of Task4*/
	UART_Printf("\n\rIn Task4");
static void MyTask5(void* pvParameters)
	LED_PORT = 	LED_Task5;	  /* Led to indicate the execution of Task4*/
	UART_Printf("\n\rIn Task5");
static void MyIdleTask(void* pvParameters)
	    LED_PORT = 	LED_IdleTask;		 /* Led to indicate the execution of Idle Task*/
	    UART_Printf("\n\rIn idle state");