Fig 1: Ultra AVR

Ultra_AVR is development platform for 40 pin and 28 pin DIP AVR microcontrollers. It has a wide range of peripherals integrated to get you started.



  • Power supply: 9 to 12V, 1A ac/dc adapter compatible.
  • RS232 serial Interface
  • ISP Programmable
  • Four 7-segment displays
  • Eight 5mm LEDS
  • Eight DIP Switch Array
  • Real time clock based on DS1307
  • Buzzer
  • ULN Driver
  • L293d H Bridge driver for DC and Stepper Motor Control
  • Keypad: 4x4 with push button switches.
  • Connector for 16x2 LCD

Physical Features:

*Dimensions: 150mm x 125mm

  • Glass Epoxy FR4 PCB
  • Wave soldered