Starling: A simple internet connected modular led display.
Sandeep (talk) 15:46, 19 November 2015 (IST)
Starling, aims to be a modular Wifi connected hackable LED Display board. It can be used out of the box to display text messages and custom characters. It can be used from anywhere you're. It should also be able to expand and display messages from web; sports, schedules, social network notifications, whether data, news and anything else you want. The display should be able to expand without changes in the software. The display blocks can be added or removed on the fly
- Modular: Individuals modules can be added on the fly without changing the firmware or the software.
- MCU driven: Individual LED modules are driven by Atmega8 instead of ASIC. It allows flexibility addressing, programming and interface support.
- Cloud Connected: The modules are are driven by ESP8266 which also connects to a WiFi Router and though it the the Internet.
- MQTT: reliable and fast. The Starling is connected to the MQTT broker hosted on a scalable clould
- Smart-Phone Apps: Apps for Android and iOS to display text or custom messages.
- Hackable with APIs: The APIs provide a way to easily display anything on the internet from twitter feed to scores, for the programmer in you.