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The background. . .
If you're going through an Electronics Engineering Program in India, or have already done; you'll know what 'practical engineering' is about! It is all about rote learning and mugging complex equations and theories. Yes, of-course there are few exceptional colleges. We knew that this is not the case, electronics is definitely not boring! In-fact, we when did our final year engineering project, it was quite a revelation. It is fun stuff, it can give you goosebumps, it can bring a lot of joy. We turned our college lab into junkyard in those 6 months. There were few people turning out to do stuff on their own, and we had complete control over proceedings! In-fact we bunked classes and were at the lab for how much ever time we could.
The story. . .
Then we moved into our jobs for a couple years after engineering and found out that it was no fun as it used to be in the lab! In the mean time though we were building stuff, learning to design Hardware, coding and hacking all the way. We started to think if we could change the way, things are taught and learned, could we contribute and make electronics learning a little more fun? We could we help people build stuff? and thus was Explore Embedded born!

With the same spirit we intend to make awesome tutorials, build development kits which are open to learning and hacking and enable you the makers to build!

Thank you for reading!