Fig 1: 8051 Development Kit

We have designed this 8051 kit, so that a beginner can gradually build up from basics like LED blinking up to standard peripherals and communication protocols without having to change boards. We are shipping a USB AT89S series programmer with this board, for easy programming. The entire kit is very affordable and we are making tutorials to help you along.

Kit Contents:

1. 8051 Development Board with following Modules, ICs and Interfaces

  • Serial Communication with MAX232
  • Eight 5mm LEDs
  • Eight Switches in DIP package
  • LCD 16x2
  • Four Seven Segment Displays
  • ADC 0808 with 555 timer for sampling frequency
  • ULN 2803 Driver
  • Two Relays for Switching AC devices.
  • 4x4 Keypad
  • L293D Motor Driver for DC and Stepper Motors
  • DS1307 based Real Time Clock
  • AT2404 EEPROM

2. USB Programmer for AT89S series micrcontrollers
3. Serial and USB cables.
4. Power Adapter
5. Single wire female connectors.

Tutorials and Downloads:

Setting up the XploreFlash Programmer

Step 1: Xplore flash is based on various opensource software, it requires avrdude. Avrdude is part of WinAVR GCC complier. Download and install it.

Step 2: Download and install USB driver for the programmer.

Step 3: Download and install XploreFlash GUI. (XploreFlash GUI is based on AVRDUDESS)

Step 4: Follow Step by step guide on using the programmer software XploreFlash program the micrcontroller. The GUI software will require .NET framework 2.0 or later please download and install it.

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