Ultra PIC Kit copy.jpg

Kit Contents:

1. PIC Development Board with following Modules, ICs and Interfaces 1. PIC Development board with All ICs
2. Microcontrollers: 16F877,18F2520
3. LCD 16x2
4. Seven Segments 4 numbers
5. RTC battery
6. Buzzer
7. Two Relays
8. Eight DIP Switch
9. Eight 5mm LEDs
10. 4 x 4 Keypad
11. Two Serial Ports
12. Temperature Sensor LM35
13. Power adapter 12V, 1A
14. Single pin female connectors: 20
15. Serial Cable
16. USB Cable
17. PIC USB Programmer


{{#widget:Iframe |url=http://xplorelabz.com/uploads/product_schematic/UltraPICSchematic.pdf |width=700 |height=400 |border=5 }}

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