Timers come in handy when you want to set some time interval like your alarm. This can be very precise to a few microseconds.
Timers/Counters are essential part of any modern MCU. Remember it is the same hardware unit inside the MCU that is used either as Timers or Counter. Timers/counters are an independent unit inside a micro-controller. They basically run independently of what task CPU is performing. Hence they come in very handy, and are primarily used for the following:
- Internal Timer: As an internal timer the unit, ticks on the oscillator frequency. The oscillator frequency can be directly feed to the timer or it can be pre-scaled. In this mode it used generate precise delays. Or as precise time counting machine.
- External Counter: In this mode the unit is used to count events on a specific external pin on a MCU.
- Pulse width Modulation(PWM) Generator: PWM is used in speed control of motors and various other applications.
Timers/Counters in AVR
Timer 0
Timer 0 Registers
TCNT0: Timer/Counter Register 0
Timer/Counter 0
D7 |
D6 |
D5 |
D4 |
D3 |
D2 |
D1 |
TCCR0: Timer/Counter Control Register
D7 |
D6 |
D5 |
D4 |
D3 |
D2 |
D1 |
FOC0 |
WGM00 |
COM01 |
COM00 |
WGM01 |
CS02 |
CS01 |
Timer 1
Timer 2