<hovergallery> File:DSC08650.JPG |Fig1 </hovergallery>
Mini_AVR is a small rapid prototyping boardbased on atmega 8 controller from AVR
- Seri Interface:RS232 for communicating with the host computer.
- LCD Interface:16 characters,2 lines.
- Test Leds(4) and Switches(4).
- DS1307 based real time clock(RTC).
- Power Supply compatible with AC/DC adapters.
Physical Features
- Dimensions:80mm X 90mm.
- 1.6mm Glass Epoxy, FR4 PCB.
- Wave Soldered
|keywords=AVR,AT89s51,at89c51,p89v51rd2,xplorelabz,tutorials,AVR Development boards,AVR boards,Mini AVR
|description=AVR Development Boards