In this tutorial we will see how to build a simple IOT Industrial Data Logger(IDL) to log the device temperature and current to AWS IOT and display it on Hornbill IO. The IDL connects to Wi-Fi and then to the clould.
We will be using the MAX6675 for measuring the temperature and Non-invasive YHDC SCT-013-000 AC current sensor to measure electric energy consumed. The measured temperature and current along with power is logged to server using Hornbill AWS IOT library. This data could later be used to determine device specific events like operating duration, total power consumption etc., Combing this with the device temperature can be useful in understanding operating health of the machine. We have attached Hornbill Industrial Data Logger to a bench top drill machine, you may add it any machine where power and temperature measurements can result in useful insights.
Check the earlier tutorials for enabling AWS IOT services to your user account and Hornbill AWS IOT library usage guide.
Reference Libraries
We will be using the Adafruit Max6675 Library to measure the temperature and Open Energy Monitor's Library to measure the current. Download/Install these libraries in the Arduino IDE.
Temperature and current will be continuously monitored and logged to amazon server every 5sec.
Download the Arduino ESP32 AWS IOT lib and examples form this link.
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