(No difference)

Revision as of 10:36, 3 July 2014

Setting up the XploreFlash Programmer

Step 1: Xplore flash is based on various opensource software, it requires avrdude. Avrdude is part of WinAVR GCC complier. Download and install it.

Step 2: Download and install USB driver for the programmer.

Step 3: Download and install XploreFlash GUI. (XploreFlash GUI is based on AVRDUDESS)

Step 4: Follow Step by step guide on using the programmer software XploreFlash program the micrcontroller. The GUI software will require .NET framework 2.0 or later please download and install it.

Using Xplore Flash

The first startup window

fig1: This is first screen

Select the programmer as USBasp

Fig.2 Select the programmer as USBasp

Select the micrcontroller eg AT89S52

Fig3. Select the micrcontroller

Browse the hex file

Fig.4 Browse the hex file

Programmer erases, flashes and verifies the hex

Fig.5 Erase, Write and Verify

AVR dude confirms a complete flash!

Fig.6 Final confirmation {{#widget:Facebook_Like_Box|profile=http://www.facebook.com/XploreLabz}}

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