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{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination ||<syntaxhighlight> void LCD_Init(uint8_t lcdMode, uint8_t lcdtype)</syntaxhighlight>
|Defination ||void LCD_Init ( uint8_t var_lcdMode_u8, uint8_t var_lcdNoOfLines_u8, uint8_t var_MaxCharsPerLine_u8)
| Input Arguments || <syntaxhighlight>uint8_t: required Mode 4/8-bit. uint8_t: Type of LCD used (16x2/16x1 etc)</syntaxhighlight>  
| Input Arguments ||<br />
*uint8_t: required Mode 4/8-bit <br />
*uint8_t: Number of lines of LCD<br />
*uint8_t: Number of Chars per line
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function is used to initialize the lcd.*It initializes the LCD for selected mode(4/8-bit) and Type(16x2/16x1 etc)
| Description ||This function is used to initialize the lcd.<br />It initializes the LCD for selected mode(4/8-bit) and Type(16x2/16x1 etc)
| Usage ||  
| Usage ||LCD_Init(8,2,16) //Initialize 2x16 LCD in 8-bit Mode<br />LCD_Init(4,2,16) //Initialize 2x16 LCD in 4-bit Mode<br />LCD_Init(4,4,16) //Initialize 4x16 LCD in 8-bit Mode
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_CmdWrite( uint8_t cmd)'''
|Defination || void LCD_CmdWrite( uint8_t var_lcdCmd_u8)
| Input Arguments || 8-bit command supported by LCD.
| Input Arguments || 8-bit command supported by LCD.
Line 29: Line 32:
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description || This function sends a command to LCD. Some of the commonly used commands are defined in lcd.h. For more commands refer the data sheet and send the supported command. The behaviour is undefined if unsupported commands are sent.     
| Description ||This function sends a command to LCD.<br />Some of the commonly used commands are defined in lcd.h.<br />For more commands refer the data sheet.<br />The behaviour is undefined if unsupported commands are sent.     
| Usage ||   
| Usage ||   
LCD_CmdWrite(0x0c);                                       //Sets display On and Cursor Off<br />
LCD_CmdWrite(CMD_DISPLAY_ON_CURSOR_OFF); //Recommended
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''static void lcd_DataWrite( uint8_t dat)'''
| Input Arguments || uint8_t: 8-bit value to be sent to LCD.
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This functions is used to send a byte of data to LCD.
| Usage ||   
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_Clear()'''
|Defination || void LCD_Clear()
| Input Arguments || none.
| Input Arguments || none.
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| Description ||This function clears the LCD and moves the cursor to beginning of first line
| Description ||This function clears the LCD and moves the cursor to beginning of first line
| Usage ||    
| Usage ||  
LCD_Clear(); // Clears the lcd and sets the cursor to beginning of the first line.   
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_GoToLine(uint8_t LineNumber)'''
|Defination || void LCD_GoToLine(uint8_t var_lineNumber_u8)
| Input Arguments || uint8_t: Line number.
| Input Arguments || uint8_t: Line number to move the cursor.
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function moves the Cursor to beginning of the specified line. If the requested line number is out of range, it will not move the cursor.
| Description ||This function moves the Cursor to beginning of the specified line. If the requested line number is out of range, it will not move the cursor.<br />
Note: The line numbers run from 1 to Maxlines.<br />To avoid the confusion the below enums has to be used for selecting lines.<br />For four line LCD the enums are as below:<br />
*E_LcdLineOne<br />
*E_LcdLineTwo<br />
*E_LcdLineThree<br />
| Usage ||     
| Usage ||     
LCD_GoToLine(1);                  //Moves the cursor to beginning of first line
LCD_GoToLine(E_LcdLineOne); //Recommended usage
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void  LCD_GoToNextLine()'''
|Defination || void  LCD_GoToNextLine()
| Input Arguments || none
| Input Arguments || none
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| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||  This function moves the Cursor to beginning of the next line.  If the cursor is on last line and NextLine command is issued then it will move the cursor to first line.
| Description ||  This function moves the Cursor to beginning of the next line.  If the cursor is on last line and NextLine command is issued then it will move the cursor to first line.
| Usage ||   
| Usage ||   
LCD_GoToNextline();  //Moves the cursor to beginning of next line.
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_DisplayString(char *string_ptr)'''
|Defination || void LCD_SetCursor(char var_lineNumber_u8,char var_charNumber_u8)
| Input Arguments || String(Address of the string) to be displayed.
| Input Arguments ||<br />
*row: line number(line1=1, line2=2)<br />For 2line LCD the I/P argument should be either 1 or 2.<br />
*col: char number.<br />For 16-char LCD the I/P argument should be between 0-15.
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function is used to display the ASCII string on the lcd.
| Description || This function moves the Cursor to specified position.<br />
* The string_ptr points to the first char of the string  and traverses till the end(NULL CHAR)and displays a char each time.
*Note:If the Input(Line/Char number) are out of range then no action will be taken
| Usage ||     
| Usage ||  
LCD_SetCursor(1,10);     //Moves the cursor to 1st line 11th char.
LCD_SetCursor(5,10);    //No action taken as line 5 is out of range
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_ScrollMessage(uint8_t linenumber, char *msg_ptr)'''
|Defination || void LCD_DisplayChar( char var_lcdData_u8)
| Input Arguments ||
| Input Arguments || uint8_t: ASCII value of the char to be displayed.
*'''uint8_t'''  : Line number on which the message has to be scrolled
* '''char *''': pointer to the string to be scrolled
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function scrolls the given message on the specified line. If the specified line number is out of range then the message will be scrolled on first line
| Description ||This function sends a character to be displayed on LCD.<br />Any valid ascii value can be passed to display the respective character
| Usage ||     
| Usage ||  
LCD_DisplayChar(65);     //Displays 'A' on LCD<br />
LCD_DisplayChar(0x41);  //Displays 'A' on LCD <br />
LCD_DisplayChar('A');    //Recommended usage
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_DisplayNumber(uint32_t num, uint8_t NumOfDigits )'''
|Defination || void LCD_DisplayString(char *ptr_stringPointer_u8)
| Input Arguments ||  
| Input Arguments || char*:String(Address of the string) to be displayed.
* '''uint32_t''': Number to be displayed on the LCD.
*'''uint8_t''' : Number of digits to be displayed
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function is used to display a max of 10digit decimal number.
| Description ||This function is used to display the ASCII string on the lcd.
2nd parameter specifies the number of digits from the right side to be displayed
The output for the input combinations is as below
*(12345,4) then 4-digits ie. 2345 will be displayed
*(12345,6) then 6-digits ie. 012345 will be displayed
*(12345,C_DefaultDigits) then 12345 will be displayed.
| Usage ||    
| Usage ||  
void main()
  char myString[]={"hello, world"};
  LCD_DisplayString("good morning");
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_DisplayHexNumber(uint32_t num, uint8_t NumOfDigits )'''
|Defination ||  void LCD_ScrollMessage(uint8_t var_lineNumber_u8, char *ptr_msgPointer_u8)
| Input Arguments ||  
| Input Arguments ||
*'''uint32_t''': Hexadecimal Number to be displayed on the LCD.
*uint8_t: Line number on which the message has to be scrolled
*'''uint8_t''' : Number of digits to be displayed
*char *: pointer to the string to be scrolled
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function is used to display a max of 10digit hex number.2nd parameter specifies the number of digits from the right side to be displayed .
| Description || This function scrolls the given message on the specified line.<br />If the specified line number is out of range then the message will be scrolled on first line.<br />
The output for the input combinations is as below
*Note: Leave 7-8 spaces at the beginning and 1 space at the end of the message to be scrolled.
*(0x12AB,3) then 3-digits ie. 2AB will be displayed
*(0x12AB,6) then 6-digits ie. 0012AB will be displayed
*(0x12AB,C_DefaultDigits) then 12AB will be displayed.
| Usage ||    
| Usage ||  
LCD_ScrollMessage("          Welcome to embedded programming ");
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_DisplayBinaryNumber(uint32_t num, uint8_t NumOfBits )'''
|Defination || void LCD_DisplayNumber(NumericSystem_et e_typeOfNum_e8, uint32_t var_number_u32, uint8_t var_numOfDigitsToDisplay_u8)
| Input Arguments ||  
| Input Arguments ||  
*'''uint32_t''': Hexadecimal Number to be displayed on the LCD.
*NumericSystem_et: Specifies type of number ENUM_BINARY(2),ENUM_DECIMAL(10), ENUM_Hex(16)
*'''uint8_t''': Number of bits to be displayed
*uint32_t: Number to be displayed on the LCD.
*uint8_t : Number of digits to be displayed
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function is used to display the binary equivalent of the given number.2nd parameter specifies the number of LSB to be displayed .
| Description ||
This function is used to display a max of 10digit decimal/Hex number OR specified number of bits for binary number.<br>
The output for the input combinations is as below
1st parameter specifies type of number ENUM_BINARY(2),ENUM_DECIMAL(10), ENUM_Hex(16).<br>
3rd parameter specifies the number of digits from the right side to be displayed.<br>
The output for the input combinations is as below<br>
*(10,4) then 4-LSB will be displayed ie. 1010
*(10,4) then 4-LSB will be displayed ie. 1010
* (10,8) then 8-LSB will be displayed ie. 00001010
*(10,8) then 8-LSB will be displayed ie. 00001010
*(10,2) then 2-LSB will be displayed ie. 10
*(10,2) then 2-LSB will be displayed ie. 10
*(10,12345,4) then 4-digits ie. 2345 will be displayed
*(ENUM_DECIMAL,12345,6) then 6-digits ie. 012345 will be displayed
*(10,12345,C_DisplayDefaultDigits_U8) then 12345 will be displayed.\
*(16,0x12AB,3) then 3-digits ie. 2AB will be displayed
*(ENUM_Hex,0x12AB,6) then 6-digits ie. 0012AB will be displayed
*(ENUM_Hex,0x12AB,C_DisplayDefaultDigits_U8) then 12AB will be displayed.
| Usage ||    
| Usage ||  
uint32_t decNumber = 123456;<br />
LCD_DisplayDecimalNumber(decNumber,5); //Display last 5-digits of Number<br />
LCD_DisplayDecimalNumber(12345,4);  //Display last 4-digits of number  
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void  LCD_DisplayFloatNumber(float num)'''
| Input Arguments || '''float Number''' to be displayed on the LCD.
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function is used to display a floating point number It supports 6digits of precision.
Note: Float will be disabled by default as it takes huge controller resources
It can be enabled by changing value of Enable_LCD_DisplayFloatNumber to 1 in lcd.h        
| Usage ||   
{| class="wikitable"  style="colspan:1; background-color:#4682B4;"
|Defination || '''void LCD_Printf(const char *argList, ...)'''
|Defination || void LCD_Printf(const char *argList, ...)
| Input Arguments || '''variable length''' arguments similar to printf
| Input Arguments || variable length arguments similar to printf
| Return Value|| none
| Return Value|| none
| Description ||This function is similar to printf function in C. It takes the arguments with specified format and prints accordingly .
| Description ||This function is similar to printf function in C. It takes the arguments with specified format and displays accordingly .
The supported format specifiers are as below.
The supported format specifiers are as below.
*%c: character
*%c: character
*%d: decimal
*%d: decimal(16bit)
*%b: binary
*%l: decimal(32-bit)
*%b: binary(16-bit)
*%s: string
*%s: string
Line 234: Line 253:
| Usage ||    
| Usage ||
==Usage Guide==
/* Program to demonstrate the LCD library usage*/
void main()
int main()
char a_displayMsg_u8[]={"Good Morning"};
uint16_t decNum=1234;//16-bit
char v_lcdData_u8='A';
uint32_t longDec=12345678;//32-bit
uint16_t v_number_u16= 1234u;
float floatNum=1234.5678;
uint16_t hexNum=0xABCD;
char myString[]={"hello, world};
LCD_Printf("%d %l %f %x %b %s",decNum,longDec,floatNum,hexNum,hexNum,myString);
  LCD_ScrollMessage(0,"            Program to illustrate the lcd library usage ");
==Usage Guide==
<script src="https://gist.github.com/Amritach/f6623a13490f16d1ff6a.js"></script>
  LCD_DisplayString("Hello, world");    /* Display the specified Message */
  LCD_DisplayString(a_displayMsg_u8);  /* Display the message stored in a string */
  LCD_DisplayString("Display Char\n");
  LCD_DisplayChar('X');            /* Display the specified Ascii character */
  LCD_DisplayChar(v_lcdData_u8);    /* Display the char stored in a variable */
  LCD_DisplayDecimalNumber(1234,5);  /* Display the specified digits of a number */
  LCD_DisplayString(" H:");
  LCD_DisplayHexNumber(0xABCD,5);    /* Note here the num=1234, and digitsToDisplay=5 */
  LCD_GoToNextLine();                /* The number displayed on LCD will be as below*/
  LCD_DisplayBinaryNumber(0xABCD,16); /* dec=01234, hex=0ABCD,
  LCD_Printf("D=%d H=%x \n%b",v_number_u16,v_number_u16,v_number_u16);
  LCD_Printf("Enjoy Embedded \nProgramming");
  return 0;

Latest revision as of 18:08, 30 May 2015



Defination void LCD_Init ( uint8_t var_lcdMode_u8, uint8_t var_lcdNoOfLines_u8, uint8_t var_MaxCharsPerLine_u8)
Input Arguments
  • uint8_t: required Mode 4/8-bit
  • uint8_t: Number of lines of LCD
  • uint8_t: Number of Chars per line
Return Value none
Description This function is used to initialize the lcd.
It initializes the LCD for selected mode(4/8-bit) and Type(16x2/16x1 etc)
Usage LCD_Init(8,2,16) //Initialize 2x16 LCD in 8-bit Mode
LCD_Init(4,2,16) //Initialize 2x16 LCD in 4-bit Mode
LCD_Init(4,4,16) //Initialize 4x16 LCD in 8-bit Mode


Defination void LCD_CmdWrite( uint8_t var_lcdCmd_u8)
Input Arguments 8-bit command supported by LCD.
Return Value none
Description This function sends a command to LCD.
Some of the commonly used commands are defined in lcd.h.
For more commands refer the data sheet.
The behaviour is undefined if unsupported commands are sent.

LCD_CmdWrite(0x0c); //Sets display On and Cursor Off
LCD_CmdWrite(CMD_DISPLAY_ON_CURSOR_OFF); //Recommended


Defination void LCD_Clear()
Input Arguments none.
Return Value none.
Description This function clears the LCD and moves the cursor to beginning of first line

LCD_Clear(); // Clears the lcd and sets the cursor to beginning of the first line.


Defination void LCD_GoToLine(uint8_t var_lineNumber_u8)
Input Arguments uint8_t: Line number to move the cursor.
Return Value none
Description This function moves the Cursor to beginning of the specified line. If the requested line number is out of range, it will not move the cursor.

Note: The line numbers run from 1 to Maxlines.
To avoid the confusion the below enums has to be used for selecting lines.
For four line LCD the enums are as below:

  • E_LcdLineOne
  • E_LcdLineTwo
  • E_LcdLineThree
  • E_LcdLineFour

LCD_GoToLine(1); //Moves the cursor to beginning of first line LCD_GoToLine(E_LcdLineOne); //Recommended usage


Defination void LCD_GoToNextLine()
Input Arguments none
Return Value none
Description This function moves the Cursor to beginning of the next line. If the cursor is on last line and NextLine command is issued then it will move the cursor to first line.

LCD_GoToNextline(); //Moves the cursor to beginning of next line.


Defination void LCD_SetCursor(char var_lineNumber_u8,char var_charNumber_u8)
Input Arguments
  • row: line number(line1=1, line2=2)
    For 2line LCD the I/P argument should be either 1 or 2.
  • col: char number.
    For 16-char LCD the I/P argument should be between 0-15.
Return Value none
Description This function moves the Cursor to specified position.
  • Note:If the Input(Line/Char number) are out of range then no action will be taken

LCD_SetCursor(1,10); //Moves the cursor to 1st line 11th char. LCD_SetCursor(5,10); //No action taken as line 5 is out of range


Defination void LCD_DisplayChar( char var_lcdData_u8)
Input Arguments uint8_t: ASCII value of the char to be displayed.
Return Value none
Description This function sends a character to be displayed on LCD.
Any valid ascii value can be passed to display the respective character

LCD_DisplayChar(65); //Displays 'A' on LCD
LCD_DisplayChar(0x41); //Displays 'A' on LCD
LCD_DisplayChar('A'); //Recommended usage


Defination void LCD_DisplayString(char *ptr_stringPointer_u8)
Input Arguments char*:String(Address of the string) to be displayed.
Return Value none
Description This function is used to display the ASCII string on the lcd.
void main()
   char myString[]={"hello, world"};
   LCD_DisplayString("good morning");


Defination void LCD_ScrollMessage(uint8_t var_lineNumber_u8, char *ptr_msgPointer_u8)
Input Arguments
  • uint8_t: Line number on which the message has to be scrolled
  • char *: pointer to the string to be scrolled
Return Value none
Description This function scrolls the given message on the specified line.
If the specified line number is out of range then the message will be scrolled on first line.
  • Note: Leave 7-8 spaces at the beginning and 1 space at the end of the message to be scrolled.

LCD_ScrollMessage(" Welcome to embedded programming ");


Defination void LCD_DisplayNumber(NumericSystem_et e_typeOfNum_e8, uint32_t var_number_u32, uint8_t var_numOfDigitsToDisplay_u8)
Input Arguments
  • NumericSystem_et: Specifies type of number ENUM_BINARY(2),ENUM_DECIMAL(10), ENUM_Hex(16)
  • uint32_t: Number to be displayed on the LCD.
  • uint8_t : Number of digits to be displayed
Return Value none

This function is used to display a max of 10digit decimal/Hex number OR specified number of bits for binary number.
1st parameter specifies type of number ENUM_BINARY(2),ENUM_DECIMAL(10), ENUM_Hex(16).
3rd parameter specifies the number of digits from the right side to be displayed.
The output for the input combinations is as below

  • (10,4) then 4-LSB will be displayed ie. 1010
  • (10,8) then 8-LSB will be displayed ie. 00001010
  • (10,2) then 2-LSB will be displayed ie. 10


  • (10,12345,4) then 4-digits ie. 2345 will be displayed
  • (ENUM_DECIMAL,12345,6) then 6-digits ie. 012345 will be displayed
  • (10,12345,C_DisplayDefaultDigits_U8) then 12345 will be displayed.\


  • (16,0x12AB,3) then 3-digits ie. 2AB will be displayed
  • (ENUM_Hex,0x12AB,6) then 6-digits ie. 0012AB will be displayed
  • (ENUM_Hex,0x12AB,C_DisplayDefaultDigits_U8) then 12AB will be displayed.

uint32_t decNumber = 123456;
LCD_DisplayDecimalNumber(decNumber,5); //Display last 5-digits of Number
LCD_DisplayDecimalNumber(12345,4); //Display last 4-digits of number


Defination void LCD_Printf(const char *argList, ...)
Input Arguments variable length arguments similar to printf
Return Value none
Description This function is similar to printf function in C. It takes the arguments with specified format and displays accordingly .

The supported format specifiers are as below.

  • %c: character
  • %d: decimal(16bit)
  • %l: decimal(32-bit)
  • %b: binary(16-bit)
  • %s: string
  • %f: float
  • %x: hexadecimal
void main()
uint16_t decNum=1234;//16-bit
uint32_t longDec=12345678;//32-bit
float floatNum=1234.5678;
uint16_t hexNum=0xABCD;
char myString[]={"hello, world};
LCD_Printf("%d %l %f %x %b %s",decNum,longDec,floatNum,hexNum,hexNum,myString);

Usage Guide