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[[category:Code Libraries]]
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This manual is designed to help embedded programmers and students, rapidly exploit the Avr(Atmega)-Controller for embedded applications. This manual has been targeted at embedded systems programmers and Students who have basic knowledge of Avr(Atmega32/Avr) architecture and C-Language.
This manual is designed to help embedded programmers and students, rapidly exploit the Avr(Atmega)-Controller for embedded applications. This manual has been targeted at embedded systems programmers and Students who have basic knowledge of Avr(Atmega32/Avr) architecture and C-Language.
This manual provides the reference to all the library functions which are grouped under respective .c file.  
This manual provides the reference to all the library functions which are grouped under respective.c file.  
The .c files convention is as per the peripherals. The peripherals (lcd, keypad..) are connected to default PORTs which can be connect to required  PORTs by changing the #defines .
The .c files convention is as per the peripherals.  
The peripherals (lcd, keypad..) are connected to default PORTs which can be connect to required  PORTs by changing the #defines .
    It is recommended to go through the below reference documents and datasheets before interfacing any peripherals.
It is recommended to go through the below reference documents and datasheets before interfacing any peripherals.
1. The Avr Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Muhammad Ali Mazidi.
#The Avr Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Muhammad Ali Mazidi.
2. Atmega32 DataSheet.
#Atmega32 DataSheet.
3. Embedded C  by Michael J Pont .
#Embedded C  by Michael J Pont .
4. Any of the 16x2 lcd datasheet.
#Any of the 16x2 lcd datasheet.
5. RTC-DS1307 from Dallas Semiconductors.
#RTC-DS1307 from Dallas Semiconductors.
Line 27: Line 28:
The library code in this document is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) Copyright (C) 2012.                       
The library code in this document is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) Copyright (C) 2012.                       
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Since the library is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the libraries and the entire risk of the quality and performance is with the user.
Since the library is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the libraries and the entire risk of the quality and performance is with the user.
Errors and omissions should be reported to feedback@xplorelabz.com
Errors and omissions should be reported to feedback@xplorelabz.com
                                     '''Avr ADC library'''
                                     Avr ADC library.
Filename: adc.c
Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
Author: XploreLabz
website: www.xplorelabz.com
Reference:Atmega32 dataSheet
*''Filename: adc.c''
*''Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128''
*''Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz''
*''Author: XploreLabz''
*''website: www.xplorelabz.com ''
*''Reference:Atmega32 dataSheet''
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "adc.h"
#include "adc.h"
* ''Description :This function initializes the ADC control registers''
* I/P Arguments: none.
* ''I/P Arguments: none''
* Return value : none
* ''Return value: none''
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
* description :This function initializes the ADC control registers
void ADC_Init()
void ADC_Init()
Line 68: Line 64:
   ADMUX=0x00;  //Result right justified, select channel zero
   ADMUX=0x00;  //Result right justified, select channel zero
* ''Description :This function does the ADC conversioin for the Selected Channel and returns the converted 10bit result''
* I/P Arguments: char(channel number).
* ''I/P Arguments: char(channel number)''
* Return value : int(10 bit ADC result)
* ''Return value : int(10 bit ADC result)''
  * description  :This function does the ADC conversioin for the Selected Channel
                and returns the converted 10bit result
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">  
unsigned int ADC_StartConversion(unsigned char channel)
unsigned int ADC_StartConversion(unsigned char channel)
   ADMUX=channel;         //Select a channel for which the conversion needs to be done
   _delay_ms(5);          //Wait till the channel is selected
   while((ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF)==0);  
   ADCSRA=0xc1;          //Start the ADC conversion by setting ADSC bit
   while((ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF)==0); //Wait till the conversion is over
                                    //ADIF will be set once ADC conversion is complete
    return(ADCW);             //Return the 10-bit result
=LCD_8_bit Mode=
=LCD_8_bit Mode=
                        AVR LCD library for 8-bit mode
Filename: lcd_8_bit.c
Controller: Atmega Family(8,16,32,64,128)
Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
Author: XploreLabz
website: www.xplorelabz.com
                        '''AVR LCD library for 8-bit mode'''
  1.Pin connection for LCD display in 8-bit mode is as shown below.
*''Filename: lcd_8_bit.c''
      By default the LCD is connected to PORTB(databus) and PORTD(controlbus).
*''Controller: Atmega Family(8,16,32,64,128)''
  2.The code can be modified to connect the LCD to any of the PORTs
*''Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz''
    by changing the  "#define ".
*''Author: XploreLabz''
*''website: www.xplorelabz.com ''
*''Pin connection for LCD display in 8-bit mode is as shown below.By default the LCD is connected to PORTB(databus) and PORTD(controlbus).''
/* io.h contains the defnition of all ports and SFRs
*''The code can be modified to connect the LCD to any of the PORTs by changing the  "#define".''           
  delay.h contains the in built delay routines(us and ms routines)*/
*''io.h contains the defnition of all ports and SFRs delay.h contains the in built delay routines(us and ms routines).''
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <util\delay.h>
#include <util\delay.h>
Line 122: Line 105:
#include "lcd.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#define databus_direction DDRC     //  LCD databus Direction Configuration
#define databus_direction DDRC     //  LCD databus Direction Configuration
#define controlbus_direction DDRD  //  LCD Control bus Direction Configuration
#define controlbus_direction DDRD  //  LCD Control bus Direction Configuration
#define databus PORTC         // LCD databus connected to PORTB
#define databus PORTC             // LCD databus connected to PORTB
#define control_bus PORTD     // LCD Control bus connected to PORTD
#define control_bus PORTD       // LCD Control bus connected to PORTD
#define rs 5               // Register select pin connected 6th bit(D5) Control bus
#define rs 5                   // Register select pin connected 6th bit(D5) Control bus
#define rw 6               // Read Write pin connected to 7th bit(D6) Control bus
#define rw 6                   // Read Write pin connected to 7th bit(D6) Control bus
#define en 7               // Enable pin connected to 8th bit(D7) Control bus
#define en 7                 // Enable pin connected to 8th bit(D7) Control bus
Line 140: Line 123:
#define BlankSpace ' '
#define BlankSpace ' '
*''Description :This function is used to initialize the lcd in 8-bit mode''
* Function name:  LCD_Init()
*''Function name:  LCD_Init()''
* I/P Arguments: none.
*''I/P Arguments: none.''
* Return value : none
*''Return value : none''
* description  :This function is used to initialize the lcd in 8-bit mode
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
void LCD_Init()
void LCD_Init()
Line 160: Line 143:
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x01); // Clear the LCD
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x01); // Clear the LCD
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x80); // Move the Cursor to First line First Position
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x80); // Move the Cursor to First line First Position
*''Description  :This function clears the LCD and moves the cursor to first Position''
*''I/P Arguments: none.''
*''Return value : none''
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
* I/P Arguments: none.
* Return value : none
* description  :This function clears the LCD and moves the cursor to first Position
void LCD_Clear()
void LCD_Clear()
Line 181: Line 161:
*''Description  :This function moves the Cursor to First line First Position ''
*''I/P Arguments: none''
*''Return value : none''
* I/P Arguments: none.
* Return value : none
* description  :This function moves the Cursor to First line First Position
void LCD_GoToLineOne()
void LCD_GoToLineOne()
   LCD_CmdWrite(LineOne); // Move the Cursor to First line First Position
   LCD_CmdWrite(LineOne); // Move the Cursor to First line First Position
*''Description :This function moves the Cursor to Second line First Position''
* I/P Arguments: none.
*''I/P Arguments: none''
* Return value : none
*''Return value : none''
  * description  :This function moves the Cursor to Second line First Position
void LCD_GoToLineTwo()
void LCD_GoToLineTwo()
   LCD_CmdWrite(LineTwo); // Move the Cursor to Second line First Position
   LCD_CmdWrite(LineTwo); // Move the Cursor to Second line First Position
*''Description :This function moves the Cursor to specified position''
* I/P Arguments: char row,char col
*''I/P Arguments: char row,char col
                row -> line number(line1=0, line2=1),
**''row -> line number(line1=0, line2=1),For 2line LCD the I/P argument should be either 0 or 1.''
                        For 2line LCD the I/P argument should be either 0 or 1.
**''col -> char number.For 16-char LCD the I/P argument should be betwen 0-15.''
                col -> char number.
*''Return value : none''
                        For 16-char LCD the I/P argument should be betwen 0-15.
* Return value : none
* description  :This function moves the Cursor to specified position
void LCD_GoToXY(char row, char col)
void LCD_GoToXY(char row, char col)
Line 249: Line 216:
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*''Description :This function sends a command to LCD in the following steps.''
* I/P Arguments: 8-bit command supported by LCD.
**''step1: Send the I/P command to LCD.''
* Return value : none
**''step2: Select the Control Register by making RS low.''
**''step3: Select Write operation making RW low.''
**''step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.''
*''I/P Arguments: 8-bit command supported by LCD.''
*''Return value : none''
  * description :This function sends a command to LCD in the following steps.
    step1: Send the I/P command to LCD.
    step2: Select the Control Register by making RS low.
    step3: Select Write operation making RW low.
step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
void LCD_CmdWrite( char cmd)
void LCD_CmdWrite( char cmd)
Line 284: Line 241:
*''Description:This function sends a character to be displayed on LCD in the following steps.''
**''step1: Send the character to LCD.''
**''step2: Select the Data Register by making RS high.''
**''step3: Select Write operation making RW low.''
**''step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us. ''
*''I/P Arguments: ASCII value of the char to be displayed.''
*''Return value : none''
* I/P Arguments: ASCII value of the char to be displayed.
* Return value : none
* description  :
    This function sends a character to be displayed on LCD in the following steps.
      step1: Send the character to LCD.
      step2: Select the Data Register by making RS high.
      step3: Select Write operation making RW low.
  step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
void LCD_DataWrite( char dat)
void LCD_DataWrite( char dat)
Line 314: Line 267:
*''Description  :This function is used to display the ASCII string on the lcd.''
**''The string_ptr points to the first char of the string and traverses till the end(NULL CHAR).
**''Each time a char is sent to LCD_DataWrite funtion to display.''
*''I/P Arguments: String(Address of the string) to be displayed.''
*''Return value : None''
* I/P Arguments: String(Address of the string) to be displayed.
* Return value : none
* description  :
              This function is used to display the ASCII string on the lcd.
                1.The string_ptr points to the first char of the string
                    and traverses till the end(NULL CHAR).
                2.Each time a char is sent to LCD_DataWrite funtion to display.
void LCD_DisplayString(char *string_ptr)
void LCD_DisplayString(char *string_ptr)
Line 335: Line 284:
*''Description :This function is used to display a 5-digit integer(0-65535).
* Function name:  LCD_DisplayNumber()
* I/P Arguments: unsigned int.
#''if the number is 12345 then 12345 is displayed.''
* Return value : none
#''if the number is 123 then 00123 is displayed.''
*''Function name:  LCD_DisplayNumber()''
*''I/P Arguments: unsigned int.''
*''Return value : none''
* description  :This function is used to display a 5-digit integer(0-65535).
                ex: if the number is 12345 then 12345 is displayed.
                    if the number is 123 then 00123 is displayed.
__________Take 1 by dividing by 10000 and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,
|          then take the 4-digit remainder(2345).
| _________Take 2 by dividing by 1000  and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,
||          then take the 3-digit remainder(345)
|| ________Take 3 by dividing by 100  and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,
|||          then take the 2-digit remainder(45).
||| _______Take 4 by dividing by 10    and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,
|||| ______Take 5 the remainder of 45  and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,.
void LCD_DisplayNumber(unsigned int num)
void LCD_DisplayNumber(unsigned int num)
Line 377: Line 314:
*''Description :This function scrolls the given message on the first line.""
* I/P Arguments: char *msg_ptr
**''16 chars are displayed at atime.''
                msg_ptr -> pointer to the string to be scrolled
**''Pointer is incremented to skip a char each time to give the illusion of moving chars.''
**''If the chars are less than 16, then the BlankSpaces are displayed.''
*''I/P Arguments: char *msg_ptr (msg_ptr -> pointer to the string to be scrolled)''
*''Return value : none''
* Return value : none
* description  :This function scrolls the given message on the first line.
        1.16 chars are displayed at atime.
        2.Pointer is incremented to skip a char each time to give the illusion of
          moving chars
        3.If the chars are less than 16, then the BlankSpaces are displayed.
void LCD_ScrollMessage(char *msg_ptr)
void LCD_ScrollMessage(char *msg_ptr)
Line 419: Line 348:
*''Description :This function display hour,min,sec read from DS1307. ''
* I/P Arguments: char hour,char min,char sec
*''I/P Arguments: char hour,char min,char sec(hour,min,sec should be packed BCD format,as read from DS1307)''
            hour,min,sec should be packed BCD format, as read from DS1307
*''Return value : none''
* Return value : none
* description  :This function display hour,min,sec read from DS1307.
  ___________ Display the higher nibble of hour after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  |            Display the lower nibble of hour after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  |   ________ Display the higher nibble of min after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  | |      Display the lower nibble of min after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  | |
  | | _____ Display the higher nibble of sec after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  | | |      Display the lower nibble of sec after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  | | |
void LCD_DisplayRtcTime(char hour,char min,char sec)
void LCD_DisplayRtcTime(char hour,char min,char sec)
Line 485: Line 373:
*''Description :This function display day,month,year read from DS1307.''
* I/P Arguments: char day,char month,char year
*''I/P Arguments: char day,char month,char year(day,month,year should be packed BCD format,as read from DS1307)''
            day,month,year should be packed BCD format, as read from DS1307
*''Return value : none''
* Return value : none
* description  :This function display day,month,year read from DS1307.
  ___________ Display the higher nibble of day after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  |            Display the lower nibble of day after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  |  ________ Display the higher nibble of month after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  |  |        Display the lower nibble of month after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  |  |
  |  | _____ Display the higher nibble of year after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  |  | |      Display the lower nibble of year after adding 0x30(ASCII conversion)
  |  | |
  01/01/12 (1st-Jan 2012)
void LCD_DisplayRtcDate(char day,char month,char year)
void LCD_DisplayRtcDate(char day,char month,char year)
Line 544: Line 394:
=LCD_4_bit Mode=
                         '''AVR LCD library for 4-bit mode'''
*''Filename: lcd_4_bit.c''
*''Controller: Atmega Family(8,16,32,64,128)''
*''Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz''
*''Author: XploreLabz''
*''website: www.xplorelabz.com ''
=LCD_4_bit Mode=
                         AVR LCD library for 4-bit mode
Filename: lcd_4_bit.c
Controller: Atmega Family(8,16,32,64,128)
Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
Author: XploreLabz
website: www.xplorelabz.com  
1.Pin connection for LCD display in 4-bit mode.
#''Pin connection for LCD display in 4-bit mode.''
2.By default the LCD is connected to PORTB.
#''By default the LCD is connected to PORTB.''
3.The code can be modified to connect the LCD to any of the PORTs by changing the
#''The code can be modified to connect the LCD to any of the PORTs by changing the "#define databus PORTB".''
  "#define databus PORTB".  
/* io.h contains the defnition of all ports and SFRs
  delay.h contains the in built delay routines(us and ms routines)*/
*''io.h contains the defnition of all ports and SFRs delay.h contains the in built delay routines(us and ms routines)''
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <util\delay.h>
#include <util\delay.h>
Line 611: Line 437:
#define BlankSpace ' '
#define BlankSpace ' '
*''Description :This function is used to initialize the lcd in 4-bit mode''
* Function name:  LCD_Init()
*''Function name:  LCD_Init()''
* I/P Arguments: none.
*''I/P Arguments: none''
* Return value : none
*''Return value : none''
* description  :This function is used to initialize the lcd in 4-bit mode
void LCD_Init()
void LCD_Init()
Line 633: Line 459:
*''Description  :This function sends a command to LCD in the following steps.''
* I/P Arguments: 8-bit command supported by LCD.
**''step1: Send the Higher Nibble of the I/P command to LCD.''
* Return value : none
**''step2: Select the Control Register by making RS low.''
**''step3: Select Write operation making RW low.''
**''step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.''
**''step5: Send the Lower Nibble of the I/P command to LCD.''
**''step6: Select the Control Register by making RS low.''
**''step7: Select Write operation making RW low.''
**''step8: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.''
*''I/P Arguments: 8-bit command supported by LCD.''
*''Return value : none''
  * description  :This function sends a command to LCD in the following steps.
    step1: Send the Higher Nibble of the I/P command to LCD.
    step2: Select the Control Register by making RS low.
    step3: Select Write operation making RW low.
    step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
    step5: Send the Lower Nibble of the I/P command to LCD.
    step6: Select the Control Register by making RS low.
    step7: Select Write operation making RW low.
    step8: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
void LCD_CmdWrite( char cmd)
void LCD_CmdWrite( char cmd)
Line 673: Line 498:
*''Description:This function sends a character to be displayed on LCD in the following steps.''
* Function name: LCD_DataWrite()
**''step1: Send the higher nibble of the character to LCD.''
* I/P Arguments: ASCII value of the char to be displayed.
**''step2: Select the Data Register by making RS high.''
* Return value : none
**''step3: Select Write operation making RW low.''
**''step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.''
**''step5: wait for some time''
**''step6: Send the lower nibble of the character to LCD.''
**''step7: Select the Data Register by making RS high.''
**''step8: Select Write operation making RW low.''
**''step9: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us. ''
*''Function name: LCD_DataWrite()''
*''I/P Arguments: ASCII value of the char to be displayed.''
*''Return value : none''
  * description  :
    This function sends a character to be displayed on LCD in the following steps.
      step1: Send the higher nibble of the character to LCD.
      step2: Select the Data Register by making RS high.
      step3: Select Write operation making RW low.
      step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
      step5: wait for some time
      step6: Send the lower nibble of the character to LCD.
      step7: Select the Data Register by making RS high.
      step8: Select Write operation making RW low.
      step9: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
void LCD_DataWrite( char dat)
void LCD_DataWrite( char dat)
Line 715: Line 537:
                         '''Avr 4x4 Keypad Library'''
*''Filename: keypad.c''
*''Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz''
*''Author: XploreLabz''
*''website: www.xplorelabz.com ''
*''Rows are connected to lower 4-bits of PORTC''
*''Cols are connected to higher 4-bits of PORTC''
                         Avr 4x4 Keypad Library
Filename: keypad.c
Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
Author: XploreLabz
website: www.xplorelabz.com  
  1.Rows are connected to lower 4-bits of PORTC
  1.Cols are connected to higher 4-bits of PORTC
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <avr\io.h>
Line 750: Line 559:
#include "keypad.h"
#include "keypad.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#define RowColDirection DDRB //Data Direction Configuration for keypad
#define RowColDirection DDRB //Data Direction Configuration for keypad
#define ROW PORTB            //Lower four bits of PORTC are used as ROWs
#define ROW PORTB            //Lower four bits of PORTC are used as ROWs
#define COL PINB            //Higher four bits of PORTC are used as COLs
#define COL PINB            //Higher four bits of PORTC are used as COLs
*''Description : This function the rows and colums for keypad scan''
* I/P Arguments:none
**''ROW lines are configured as Output.''
* Return value : none
**''Column Lines are configured as Input.''
*''I/P Arguments:none''
*''Return value : none''
  * description  : This function the rows and colums for keypad scan
        1.ROW lines are configured as Output.
        2.Column Lines are configured as Input.
void KEYPAD_Init()
void KEYPAD_Init()
       RowColDirection=0xf0;  // Configure Row lines as O/P and Column lines as I/P
       RowColDirection=0xf0;  // Configure Row lines as O/P and Column lines as I/P
*''Description : This function waits till the previous key is released.''
* I/P Arguments:none
**''All the ROW lines are pulled low.''
**''Column Lines are read to check the key press.''
* Return value : none
**''If all the Keys are released then Column lines will remain high(0x0f) ''
*''I/P Arguments:none''
*''Return value : none''
* description  : This function waits till the previous key is released.
        1.All the ROW lines are pulled low.
        2.Column Lines are read to check the key press.
        3.If all the Keys are released then Column lines will remain high(0x0f)
void KEYPAD_WaitForKeyRelease()
void KEYPAD_WaitForKeyRelease()
Line 797: Line 599:
                             // If no Key is pressed, Column lines will remain high (0x0f)
                             // If no Key is pressed, Column lines will remain high (0x0f)
*''Description : This function waits till a new key is pressed.''
* I/P Arguments:none
**''All the ROW lines are pulled low.''
**''Column Lines are read to check the key press.''
**''If any Key is pressed then corresponding Column Line goes low.''
**''Wait for Some time and perform the above operation to ensure the True Key Press before decoding the KEY.''
*''I/P Arguments:none''
*''Return value : none''
  * Return value : none
* description  : This function waits till a new key is pressed.
        1.All the ROW lines are pulled low.
        2.Column Lines are read to check the key press.
        3.If any Key is pressed then corresponding Column Line goes low.
        4.Wait for Some time and perform the above operation to ensure
          the True Key Press before decoding the KEY.
void KEYPAD_WaitForKeyPress()
void KEYPAD_WaitForKeyPress()
Line 836: Line 634:
*''Description :This function scans all the rows to decode the key pressed.''
* I/P Arguments:none
**''Each time a ROW line is pulled low to detect the KEY.''
**''Column Lines are read to check the key press.''
**''If any Key is pressed then corresponding Column Line goes low.''
**''Return the ScanCode(Combination of ROW & COL) for decoding the key. ''
*''I/P Arguments:none''
*''Return value : char--> Scancode of the Key Pressed''
  * Return value : char--> Scancode of the Key Pressed
* description  : This function scans all the rows to decode the key pressed.
        1.Each time a ROW line is pulled low to detect the KEY.
        2.Column Lines are read to check the key press.
        3.If any Key is pressed then corresponding Column Line goes low.
        4.Return the ScanCode(Combination of ROW & COL) for decoding the key.
unsigned char KEYPAD_ScanKey()
unsigned char KEYPAD_ScanKey()
Line 872: Line 668:
*''Description:This function waits till a key is pressed and returns its ASCII Value''
* I/P Arguments: none
**''Wait till the previous key is released..''
**''Wait for the new key press.''
**''Scan all the rows one at a time for the pressed key.''
**''Decode the key pressed depending on ROW-COL combination and returns its ASCII value.''
*''I/P Arguments: none''
*''Return value : char--> ASCII value of the Key Pressed''
  * Return value : char--> ASCII value of the Key Pressed
* Description: This function waits till a key is pressed and returns its ASCII Value
        1. Wait till the previous key is released..
        2. Wait for the new key press.
        3. Scan all the rows one at a time for the pressed key.
        4. Decode the key pressed depending on ROW-COL combination and returns its
          ASCII value.
unsigned char KEYPAD_GetKey()
unsigned char KEYPAD_GetKey()
Line 948: Line 715:
   return(key);                      // Return the key
   return(key);                      // Return the key
   AVR UART library for Serial Communication for 9600 baud rate at 11.0592Mhz
   '''AVR UART library for Serial Communication for 9600 baud rate at 11.0592Mhz'''
Filename: uart.c
*''Filename: uart.c''
Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
*''Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128''
Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
*''Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz''
Author: XploreLabz
*''Author: XploreLabz''
website: www.xplorelabz.com  
*''website: www.xplorelabz.com ''
*''Description :This function is used to initialize the UART at 9600 baud rate by below configuration.''
*''I/P Arguments: none''
* I/P Arguments: none.
*''Return value : none''
* Return value : none
* description :This function is used to initialize the UART at 9600 baud rate
                  by below configuration.
void UART_Init()
void UART_Init()
Line 978: Line 745:
*''Description :This function is used to receive a char from UART module.''
* I/P Arguments: none.
**''It waits till a char is received ie.till RXC is set,''
* Return value : char
**''RXC will be set once a CHAR is received.''
* description :This function is used to receive a char from UART module.
**''Finally returns the received char. ''
                It waits till a char is received ie.till RXC is set,
*''I/P Arguments: none''
                RXC will be set once a CHAR is received.
*''Return value : char''
                Finally returns the received char.
char UART_RxChar()
char UART_RxChar()
Line 994: Line 761:
*''Description  : This function is used to transmit a char through UART module.''
**''It waits till previous char is transmitted ie.till UDRE is set.''
**''UDRE will be set once a CHAR is transmitted ie UDR becomes empty.''
**''Finally the new Char to be transmitted is loaded into UDR.''
*''I/P Arguments: char--> data to be transmitted''
*''Return value : none''
* I/P Arguments: char--> data to be transmitted.
* Return value : none.
* description  :This function is used to transmit a char through UART module.
                It waits till previous char is transmitted ie.till UDRE is set.
                UDRE will be set once a CHAR is transmitted ie UDR becomes empty.
    Finally the new Char to be transmitted is loaded into UDR.
  void UART_TxChar(char ch)
  void UART_TxChar(char ch)
Line 1,020: Line 777:
               UDR =ch;            // Load the data to be transmitted
               UDR =ch;            // Load the data to be transmitted
*''Description :This function is used to transmit the ASCII string through UART.''
**''The string_ptr points to the first char of the string.''
**''And it is incremented each time to traverse till the end(NULL CHAR).''
**''Each time a char is sent to UART_TxChar() fun to transmit it through UART ''
*''I/P Arguments: String(Address of the string) to be transmitted.''
*''Return value : none''
* I/P Arguments: String(Address of the string) to be transmitted.
* Return value : none
* description :This function is used to transmit the ASCII string through UART..
                The string_ptr points to the first char of the string.
                And it is incremented each time to traverse till the end(NULL CHAR).
              Each time a char is sent to UART_TxChar() fun to transmit it through UART
void UART_TxString(char *string_ptr)
void UART_TxString(char *string_ptr)
Line 1,041: Line 795:
*''Description  :This function is used to receive a ASCII string through UART till the carriage_return/New_line.''
**''The string_ptr points to the begining of the string and each time UART_RxChar() function is called to receive a char and copy it into the buffer(STRING) and incrment string_ptr.
**''Once the carriage_return/New_line is encountered the loop is breaked and the String is NULL terminated.''
*''I/P Arguments: *string_ptr(Address of the string where the received data needs to be stored)''
*''Return value : none''
*''The received char is ECHOED back,if not required then comment UART_TxChar(ch) in the code.''
*''BackSlash is not taken care.''
* I/P Arguments: *string_ptr
                  Address of the string where the received data needs to be stored
* Return value : none
* description  :
                1.This function is used to receive a ASCII string through UART
                  till the carriage_return/New_line
                2.The string_ptr points to the begining of the string and each
                  time UART_RxChar() function is called to receive a char and copy
                  it into the buffer(STRING) and incrment string_ptr.
                3.Once the carriage_return/New_line is encountered the loop
                  is breaked and the String is NULL terminated.
  1.The received char is ECHOED back,
    if not required then comment UART_TxChar(ch) in the code.
  2.BackSlash is not taken care.
void UART_RxString(char *string_ptr)
void UART_RxString(char *string_ptr)
Line 1,106: Line 827:
*''Description  :This function is used to transmit a 5-digit integer(0-65535).''
**''ex: ''
#''if the number is 12345 then 12345 is transmitted.''
#''if the number is 123 then 00123 is transmitted.''
*''I/P Arguments: unsigned int''
*''Return value : none''
* I/P Arguments: unsigned int.
* Return value : none
* description  :This function is used to transmit a 5-digit integer(0-65535).
                ex: if the number is 12345 then 12345 is transmitted.
                    if the number is 123 then 00123 is transmitted.
----------Take 1 by dividing by 10000 and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,
|          then take the 4-digit remainder(2345).
| ---------Take 2 by dividing by 1000  and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,
||        then take the 3-digit remainder(345)
|| --------Take 3 by dividing by 100  and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,
|||        then take the 2-digit remainder(45).
||| -------Take 4 by dividing by 10    and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,
|||| ------Take 5 the remainder of 45  and add 0X30 to obtain the ASCII value,.
void UART_TxNumber(unsigned int num)
void UART_TxNumber(unsigned int num)
Line 1,172: Line 859:
                                 '''Avr I2C  library'''
*''Filename: I2C.c''
*''Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128''
*''Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz''
*''Author: XploreLabz''
*''website: www.xplorelabz.com''
                                 Avr I2C  library
Filename: I2C.c
Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
Author: XploreLabz
website: www.xplorelabz.com
Refer Atmega32 for register description.
Refer Atmega32 for register description.
#include "i2c.h"
#include "i2c.h"
*''Description :This function is used to initialize the I2c Module. ''
* I/P Arguments: none.
*''I/P Arguments: none''
* Return value : none
*''Return value : none''
* description :This function is used to initialize the  I2c Module.
void I2C_Init()
void I2C_Init()
Line 1,221: Line 893:
   TWCR=0x04; //enab1e TWI module
   TWCR=0x04; //enab1e TWI module
*''Description :This function is used to generate I2C Start Condition.
* I/P Arguments: none.
**''Start Condition: SDA goes low when SCL is High.''
* Return value : none
*''I/P Arguments: none''
*''Return value : none''
* description :This function is used to generate I2C Start Condition.
                Start Condition: SDA goes low when SCL is High.
                SCL:         |            |
                      ________|            |______
                SDA:     |        |
                      ____|        |____________
void I2C_Start()
void I2C_Start()
Line 1,245: Line 910:
   while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
   while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
*''Description :This function is used to generate I2C Stop Condition.''
* I/P Arguments: none.
**''Stop Condition: SDA goes High when SCL is High.''
* Return value : none
*''I/P Arguments: none''
* description :This function is used to generate I2C Stop Condition.
*''Return value : none''
                Stop Condition: SDA goes High when SCL is High.
                SCL:         |            |
                      ________|            |______
                SDA:           |
void I2C_Stop(void)
void I2C_Stop(void)
Line 1,269: Line 924:
   _delay_us(10) ; //wait for a short time
   _delay_us(10) ; //wait for a short time
*''Description :This function is used to send a byte on SDA line using I2C protocol
* I/P Arguments: unsigned char-->8bit data to be sent.
**''8bit data is sent bit-by-bit on each clock cycle.''
* Return value : none
**''MSB(bit) is sent first and LSB(bit) is sent at last.''
* description :This function is used to send a byte on SDA line using I2C protocol
**''Data is sent when SCL is low. ''
                8bit data is sent bit-by-bit on each clock cycle.
*''I/P Arguments: unsigned char-->8bit data to be sent.''
                MSB(bit) is sent first and LSB(bit) is sent at last.
**''Return value: none''
                Data is sent when SCL is low.
        ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___   _
SCL:   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   |
      __|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|
SDA:   D8     D7      D6   D5     D4 D3     D2 D1   D0
void I2C_Write(unsigned char dat)
void I2C_Write(unsigned char dat)
Line 1,290: Line 941:
   while (!(TWCR & (1 <<TWINT)));
   while (!(TWCR & (1 <<TWINT)));
*''Description :This fun is used to receive a byte on SDA line using I2C protocol.''
* I/P Arguments: char: Acknowledgement for the Ninth clock cycle.
**''8bit data is received bit-by-bit each clock and finally packed into Byte.''
* Return value : Unsigned char(received byte)
**''MSB(bit) is received first and LSB(bit) is received at last.''
* description :This fun is used to receive a byte on SDA line using I2C protocol.
*''I/P Arguments: char: Acknowledgement for the Ninth clock cycle.''
              8bit data is received bit-by-bit each clock and finally packed into Byte.
*''Return value : Unsigned char(received byte)''
              MSB(bit) is received first and LSB(bit) is received at last.
        ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___    ___
SCL:   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
      __|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|  |___|
SDA:    D8 D7    D6   D5     D4   D3   D2     D1   D0
unsigned char I2C_Read(unsigned char ack)
unsigned char I2C_Read(unsigned char ack)
Line 1,310: Line 958:
   return TWDR;
   return TWDR;
                                        DS1307  library
Filename: DS1307.c
Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
Author: XploreLabz
website: www.xplorelabz.com
                                        '''DS1307 library'''
*''Filename: DS1307.c''
*''Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128''
*''Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz''
*''Author: XploreLabz''
*''website: www.xplorelabz.com ''
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <util\delay.h>  
#include <util\delay.h>  
Line 1,329: Line 977:
#include "i2c.h"
#include "i2c.h"
*''Below values are fixed and should not be changed.''
/* Below values are fixed and should not be changed.
*''Refer Ds1307 DataSheet for more info''
    Refer Ds1307 DataSheet for more info*/
#define DS1307_ID 0xD0    // DS1307 ID
#define DS1307_ID 0xD0    // DS1307 ID
Line 1,341: Line 989:
#define CONTROL 0x07      // Address to access Ds1307 CONTROL register
#define CONTROL 0x07      // Address to access Ds1307 CONTROL register
*''Description :This function is used to initialize the Ds1307 RTC.''
* I/P Arguments: none.
**''Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.''
* Return value : none
**''After selecting DS1307, write 0x00 into Control register of Ds1307 ''
*''I/P Arguments: none''
* description :This function is used to initialize the Ds1307 RTC.
*''Return value : none''
                Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
                After selecting DS1307, write 0x00 into Control register of Ds1307
void DS1307_Init()
void DS1307_Init()
Line 1,367: Line 1,013:
I2C_Stop();            // Stop I2C communication after initilizing DS1307
I2C_Stop();            // Stop I2C communication after initilizing DS1307
*''Description  :This function is used to set Time(hh,mm,ss) into the Ds1307 RTC.''
**''Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.''
**''After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to sec.''
**''Initilze Sec, MIN, Hour one after the other.''
**''Stop the I2c communication.''
*''I/P Arguments: char,char,char-->hh,mm,ss to initilize the time into DS1307.''
*''Return value : none''
* I/P Arguments: char,char,char-->hh,mm,ss to initilize the time into DS1307.
* Return value : none
* description  :This function is used to set Time(hh,mm,ss) into the Ds1307 RTC.
                Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
                After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to sec
                Initilze Sec, MIN, Hour one after the other.
                Stop the I2c communication.
void DS1307_SetTime(unsigned char hh, unsigned char mm, unsigned char ss)
void DS1307_SetTime(unsigned char hh, unsigned char mm, unsigned char ss)
Line 1,401: Line 1,042:
*''Description :This function is used to set Date(dd,mm,yy) into the Ds1307 RTC.''
* I/P Arguments: char,char,char-->day,month,year to initilize the Date into DS1307.
**''Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.''
* Return value : none
**''After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x04 to point to day.''
**''Initilze Day,Month and Year one after the other.''
**''Stop the I2c communication.''
*''I/P Arguments: char,char,char-->day,month,year to initilize the Date into DS1307.''
*''Return value : none''
* description  :This function is used to set Date(dd,mm,yy) into the Ds1307 RTC.
                Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
                After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x04 to point to day
                Initilze Day,Month and Year one after the other.
                Stop the I2c communication.
void DS1307_SetDate(unsigned char dd, unsigned char mm, unsigned char yy)
void DS1307_SetDate(unsigned char dd, unsigned char mm, unsigned char yy)
Line 1,430: Line 1,071:
*''Description  :This function is used to get the Time(hh,mm,ss) from Ds1307 RTC.''
**''Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.''
**''After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to sec.''
**''Get Sec, MIN, Hour one after the other.''
**''Stop the I2c communication.''
*''I/P Arguments: char *,char *,char *-->pointers to get the hh,mm,ss.''
*''Return value : none''
* I/P Arguments: char *,char *,char *-->pointers to get the hh,mm,ss.
* Return value : none
* description  :This function is used to get the Time(hh,mm,ss) from Ds1307 RTC.
                Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
                After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to sec
                Get Sec, MIN, Hour one after the other.
                Stop the I2c communication.
void DS1307_GetTime(unsigned char *h_ptr,unsigned char *m_ptr,unsigned char *s_ptr)
void DS1307_GetTime(unsigned char *h_ptr,unsigned char *m_ptr,unsigned char *s_ptr)
Line 1,467: Line 1,106:
   I2C_Stop();       // Stop I2C communication after reading the Time
   I2C_Stop();       // Stop I2C communication after reading the Time
*''Description  :This function is used to get the Date(y,m,d) from Ds1307 RTC.''
**''Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.''
**''After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to DAY.''
**''Get Day, Month, Year one after the other.''
**''Stop the I2c communication.''
*''I/P Arguments: char *,char *,char *-->pointers to get the y,m,d.''
*''Return value : none''
* I/P Arguments: char *,char *,char *-->pointers to get the y,m,d.
* Return value : none
* description  :This function is used to get the Date(y,m,d) from Ds1307 RTC.
                Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
                After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to DAY
                Get Day, Month, Year one after the other.
                Stop the I2c communication.
void DS1307_GetDate(unsigned char *d_ptr,unsigned char *m_ptr,unsigned char *y_ptr)
void DS1307_GetDate(unsigned char *d_ptr,unsigned char *m_ptr,unsigned char *y_ptr)
Line 1,531: Line 1,145:
                                Avr Eeprom library
Filename: eeprom.c
Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
Author: XploreLabz
website: www.xplorelabz.com
Reference: Atmega8/16/32 dataSheet for Control register description.
                                '''Avr Eeprom library'''
*''Filename: eeprom.c''
*''Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128''
*''Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz''
*''Author: XploreLabz''
*''website: www.xplorelabz.com ''
*''Reference: Atmega8/16/32 dataSheet for Control register description.''
/*The below value should be set depending on the controller
*''The below value should be set depending on the controller by refering the respective data sheet.''
  by refering the respective data sheet*/
#define MaxEepromSize 1024
#define MaxEepromSize 1024
Line 1,583: Line 1,173:
*''Description:This function is used to write the data at specified EEPROM_address.''
* I/P Arguments: int,char-->eeprom_address at which eeprom_data is to be written.
**''Wait till previous write operation is completed(ie wait till EEWE becomes zero).''
* Return value : none
**''Load the eeprom address into EEAR at which the data has to be stored.''
**''Load the data into EEDR which has to be stored in Eeprom.''
**''Set the EEMWE(Eeprom Master Write Enable) and within four clock cycles.''
**''set EEWE(Eeprom Write Enable) to trigger the Eeprom Write Opeartion.''
*''I/P Arguments: int,char-->eeprom_address at which eeprom_data is to be written.''
*''Return value : none''
* description:This function is used to write the data at specified EEPROM_address..
      1. Wait till previous write operation is completed(ie wait till EEWE becomes zero).
2.Load the eeprom address into EEAR at which the data has to be stored.
      3.Load the data into EEDR which has to be stored in Eeprom.
      4.Set the EEMWE(Eeprom Master Write Enable) and within four clock cycles
          set EEWE(Eeprom Write Enable) to trigger the Eeprom Write Opeartion.           
void EEPROM_WriteByte(unsigned int eeprom_Address, unsigned char eeprom_Data)
void EEPROM_WriteByte(unsigned int eeprom_Address, unsigned char eeprom_Data)
Line 1,608: Line 1,198:
     EECR |= (1<<EEWE);    // Start eeprom write by setting EEWE
     EECR |= (1<<EEWE);    // Start eeprom write by setting EEWE
*''Description: This function is used to read the data from specified EEPROM_address.''
**''WAit for completion of previous Write operation.''
**''EEWE will be cleared once EEprom write is completed.''
**''Load the eeprom address into EEAR from where the data needs to be read.''
**''Trigger the eeprom read operation by setting EERE(Eeprom Read Enable).''
**''Wait for some time and collect the read data from EEDR.''     
*''I/P Arguments: int-->eeprom_address from where eeprom_data is to be read.''
*''Return value : char-->data read from Eeprom.''
* I/P Arguments: int-->eeprom_address from where eeprom_data is to be read.
* Return value : char-->data read from Eeprom.
* description: This function is used to read the data from specified EEPROM_address.
      1.WAit for completion of previous Write operation.
  2.EEWE will be cleared once EEprom write is completed.
  3.Load the eeprom address into EEAR from where the data needs to be read.
  4.Trigger the eeprom read operation by setting EERE(Eeprom Read Enable).
  5.Wait for some time and collect the read data from EEDR.
unsigned char EEPROM_ReadByte(unsigned int eeprom_Address)
unsigned char EEPROM_ReadByte(unsigned int eeprom_Address)
Line 1,643: Line 1,226:
*''Description:This function is used to write N-bytes of data at specified EEPROM_address.''
* I/P Arguments: int,-->eeprom_address from where the N-bytes are to be written.
**''EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at atime.''
                  char*-->Pointer to the N-bytes of data to be written.
**''Source(RAM) and destination(EEPROM) address are incremented after each write.''
                  char --> Number of bytes to be written
**''NoOfBytes is Decemented each time a byte is written.''
**''Above Operation is carried out till all the bytes are written(NoOfBytes!=0).''
*''I/P Arguments:''
#''int,-->eeprom_address from where the N-bytes are to be written.''
#''char*-->Pointer to the N-bytes of data to be written.''
#''char --> Number of bytes to be written''
*''Return value : none''
  * Return value : none
* description:
            This function is used to write N-bytes of data at specified EEPROM_address.
            EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at atime.
            Source(RAM) and destination(EEPROM) address are incremented after each write
            NoOfBytes is Decemented each time a byte is written.
            Above Operation is carried out till all the bytes are written(NoOfBytes!=0)
void EEPROM_WriteNBytes(unsigned int EepromAddr, unsigned char *RamAddr, char NoOfBytes)
void EEPROM_WriteNBytes(unsigned int EepromAddr, unsigned char *RamAddr, char NoOfBytes)
Line 1,674: Line 1,254:
*''Description: This function is used to Read N-bytes of data from specified EEPROM_address.''
* I/P Arguments: int,-->eeprom_address from where the N-bytes is to be read.
**''EEPROM_ReadByte() func is called to read a byte at a time.''
                  char*-->Pointer into which the N-bytes of data is to be read.
**''Source(RAM) and destination(EEPROM) address are incremented each time.''
                  char --> Number of bytes to be Read
**''NoOfBytes is Decemented after a byte is read.''
**''Above Operation is carried out till all the bytes are read(NoOfBytes!=0).''
*''I/P Arguments:''
#''int,-->eeprom_address from where the N-bytes is to be read.''
#''char*-->Pointer into which the N-bytes of data is to be read.''
#''char --> Number of bytes to be Read''
*''Return value : none''
* Return value : none
* description:
            This function is used to Read N-bytes of data from specified EEPROM_address.
            EEPROM_ReadByte() func is called to read a byte at a time.
            Source(RAM) and destination(EEPROM) address are incremented each time.
            NoOfBytes is Decemented after a byte is read.
            Above Operation is carried out till all the bytes are read(NoOfBytes!=0)
void EEPROM_ReadNBytes(unsigned int EepromAddr, unsigned char *RamAddr, char NoOfBytes)
void EEPROM_ReadNBytes(unsigned int EepromAddr, unsigned char *RamAddr, char NoOfBytes)
Line 1,704: Line 1,282:
*''Description: This function is used to Write a String at specified EEPROM_address.''
* I/P Arguments: int,-->eeprom_address where the String is to be written.
**''EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at a time.''
                  char*-->Pointer to String which has to be written.
**''Source(RAM) and destination(EEPOM) address are incremented each time.''
**''Above Operation is carried out till Null char is identified.''
*''I/P Arguments:''
#''int,-->eeprom_address where the String is to be written.''
#''char*-->Pointer to String which has to be written.''
*''Return value : none''
  * Return value : none
*''NOTE: Null char is also written into the eeprom.''
* description:This function is used to Write a String at specified EEPROM_address.
              EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at a time.
              Source(RAM) and destination(EEPOM) address are incremented each time.
              Above Operation is carried out till Null char is identified.
  NOTE: Null char is also written into the eeprom.
void EEPROM_WriteString(unsigned int eeprom_address, unsigned char * source_address)
void EEPROM_WriteString(unsigned int eeprom_address, unsigned char * source_address)
Line 1,736: Line 1,311:
*''Description: This function is used to Read a String from specified EEPROM_address.''
* I/P Arguments: int,-->eeprom_address from where the String is to be read.
**''EEPROM_ReadByte() function is called to read a byte at a time.''
                  char*-->Pointer into which the String is to be read.
**''Source(EEPROM) and destination(RAM) address are incremented each time.''
**''Above Operation is carried out till Null char is identified. ''
*''I/P Arguments:''
#''int,-->eeprom_address from where the String is to be read.''
#''char*-->Pointer into which the String is to be read.''
*''Return value : none''
  * Return value : none
* description:This function is used to Read a String from specified EEPROM_address.
              EEPROM_ReadByte() function is called to read a byte at a time.
              Source(EEPROM) and destination(RAM) address are incremented each time.
              Above Operation is carried out till Null char is identified.
void EEPROM_ReadString(unsigned int eeprom_address, unsigned char * destination_address)
void EEPROM_ReadString(unsigned int eeprom_address, unsigned char * destination_address)
Line 1,767: Line 1,338:
*''Description: This function is used to erase the entire Eeprom memory.''
* I/P Arguments: none
**''Eeprom is filled with 0xFF to accomplish the Eeprom Erase.''
**''EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at a time.''
**''Whole memory(0-MaxEepromSize) is traversed and filled with 0xFF.''
*''I/P Arguments: none''
*''Return value : none''
  * Return value : none
* description:This function is used to erase the entire Eeprom memory.
              Eeprom is filled with 0xFF to accomplish the Eeprom Erase.
              EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at a time.
              Whole memory(0-MaxEepromSize) is traversed and filled with 0xFF
   void EEPROM_Erase()
   void EEPROM_Erase()
Line 1,792: Line 1,360:

Latest revision as of 15:32, 18 June 2014



This manual is designed to help embedded programmers and students, rapidly exploit the Avr(Atmega)-Controller for embedded applications. This manual has been targeted at embedded systems programmers and Students who have basic knowledge of Avr(Atmega32/Avr) architecture and C-Language.

This manual provides the reference to all the library functions which are grouped under respective.c file. The .c files convention is as per the peripherals. The peripherals (lcd, keypad..) are connected to default PORTs which can be connect to required PORTs by changing the #defines .


It is recommended to go through the below reference documents and datasheets before interfacing any peripherals.

  1. The Avr Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Muhammad Ali Mazidi.
  2. Atmega32 DataSheet.
  3. Embedded C by Michael J Pont .
  4. Any of the 16x2 lcd datasheet.
  5. RTC-DS1307 from Dallas Semiconductors.


Suggestions for additions and improvements in code and documentation are always welcome. Please send your feedback via e-mail to feedback@xplorelabz.com


The libraries have been tested for Atmega16 on different development boards. We strongly believe that the library works on any Atmega boards. However, Xplore Labz disclaims any kind of hardware failure resulting out of usage of libraries, directly or indirectly. Documentation may be subject to change without prior notice.

The usage of tools and software demonstrated in the document are for educational purpose only, all rights pertaining to these belong to the respective owners. Users must ensure license terms are adhered to, for any use of the demonstrated software.

GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE: The library code in this document is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) Copyright (C) 2012. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Since the library is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the libraries and the entire risk of the quality and performance is with the user.

Errors and omissions should be reported to feedback@xplorelabz.com


                                   Avr ADC library
  • Filename: adc.c
  • Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
  • Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
  • Author: XploreLabz
  • website: www.xplorelabz.com
  • Reference:Atmega32 dataSheet
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "adc.h"


  • Description :This function initializes the ADC control registers
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value: none
void ADC_Init()
   ADCSRA=0x81;  //Enable ADC , sampling freq=osc_freq/2
   ADMUX=0x00;   //Result right justified, select channel zero


  • Description  :This function does the ADC conversioin for the Selected Channel and returns the converted 10bit result
  • I/P Arguments: char(channel number)
  • Return value : int(10 bit ADC result)

unsigned int ADC_StartConversion(unsigned char channel)
   while((ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF)==0); 

LCD_8_bit Mode

                       AVR LCD library for 8-bit mode
  • Filename: lcd_8_bit.c
  • Controller: Atmega Family(8,16,32,64,128)
  • Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
  • Author: XploreLabz
  • website: www.xplorelabz.com


  • Pin connection for LCD display in 8-bit mode is as shown below.By default the LCD is connected to PORTB(databus) and PORTD(controlbus).
  • The code can be modified to connect the LCD to any of the PORTs by changing the "#define".
  • io.h contains the defnition of all ports and SFRs delay.h contains the in built delay routines(us and ms routines).
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <util\delay.h>
#include "lcd.h"
#define databus_direction DDRC      //  LCD databus Direction Configuration
#define controlbus_direction DDRD  //  LCD Control bus Direction Configuration
#define databus	PORTC             //	LCD databus connected to PORTB
#define control_bus PORTD        //	LCD Control bus connected to PORTD
#define rs 5                    // Register select pin connected 6th bit(D5) Control bus
#define rw 6                   // Read Write pin connected to 7th bit(D6) Control bus
#define en 7                  // Enable pin connected to 8th bit(D7) Control bus
/* 16x2 LCD Specification */
#define LCDMaxLines 2
#define LCDMaxChars 16
#define LineOne 0x80
#define LineTwo 0xc0
#define BlankSpace ' '


  • Description  :This function is used to initialize the lcd in 8-bit mode
  • Function name: LCD_Init()
  • I/P Arguments: none.
  • Return value : none

void LCD_Init()
   databus_direction = 0xff;   // Configure both databus and controlbus as output
   controlbus_direction = 0xff;
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x38);   // LCD 2lines, 5*7 matrix
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x0E);	// Display ON cursor ON
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x01);	// Clear the LCD
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x80);	// Move the Cursor to First line First Position


  • Description  :This function clears the LCD and moves the cursor to first Position
  • I/P Arguments: none.
  • Return value : none

void LCD_Clear()
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x01);	// Clear the LCD and go to First line First Position


  • Description  :This function moves the Cursor to First line First Position
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none

void LCD_GoToLineOne()
   LCD_CmdWrite(LineOne);	// Move the Cursor to First line First Position


  • Description  :This function moves the Cursor to Second line First Position
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none

void LCD_GoToLineTwo()
   LCD_CmdWrite(LineTwo);	// Move the Cursor to Second line First Position


  • Description  :This function moves the Cursor to specified position
  • I/P Arguments: char row,char col
    • row -> line number(line1=0, line2=1),For 2line LCD the I/P argument should be either 0 or 1.
    • col -> char number.For 16-char LCD the I/P argument should be betwen 0-15.
  • Return value : none

void LCD_GoToXY(char row, char col)
   char pos;
		 pos= LineOne | (row << 6); // take the line number
		                            //row0->pos=0x80  row1->pos=0xc0
		   pos= pos+col;            //take the char number
		                            //now pos points to the given XY pos
		 LCD_CmdWrite(pos);	       // Move the Cursor to specified Position


  • Description :This function sends a command to LCD in the following steps.
    • step1: Send the I/P command to LCD.
    • step2: Select the Control Register by making RS low.
    • step3: Select Write operation making RW low.
    • step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
  • I/P Arguments: 8-bit command supported by LCD.
  • Return value : none

void LCD_CmdWrite( char cmd)
    databus=cmd;             // Send the command to LCD
    control_bus &=~(1<<rs);  // Select the Command Register by pulling RS LOW
    control_bus &=~(1<<rw);  // Select the Write Operation  by pulling RW LOW
    control_bus |=1<<en;     // Send a High-to-Low Pusle at Enable Pin
   control_bus &=~(1<<en);


  • Description:This function sends a character to be displayed on LCD in the following steps.
    • step1: Send the character to LCD.
    • step2: Select the Data Register by making RS high.
    • step3: Select Write operation making RW low.
    • step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
  • I/P Arguments: ASCII value of the char to be displayed.
  • Return value : none

void LCD_DataWrite( char dat)
    databus=dat;            // Send the data to LCD
    control_bus |=1<<rs;	// Select the Data Register by pulling RS HIGH
    control_bus &=~(1<<rw);	// Select the Write Operation  by pulling RW LOW
    control_bus |=1<<en;	// Send a High-to-Low Pusle at Enable Pin
    control_bus &=~(1<<en);


  • Description  :This function is used to display the ASCII string on the lcd.
    • The string_ptr points to the first char of the string and traverses till the end(NULL CHAR).
    • Each time a char is sent to LCD_DataWrite funtion to display.
  • I/P Arguments: String(Address of the string) to be displayed.
  • Return value : None
void LCD_DisplayString(char *string_ptr)


  • Description  :This function is used to display a 5-digit integer(0-65535).
    • ex:
  1. if the number is 12345 then 12345 is displayed.
  2. if the number is 123 then 00123 is displayed.
  • Function name: LCD_DisplayNumber()
  • I/P Arguments: unsigned int.
  • Return value : none

Lcd displaynumber.png

void LCD_DisplayNumber(unsigned int num)


  • Description  :This function scrolls the given message on the first line.""
    • 16 chars are displayed at atime.
    • Pointer is incremented to skip a char each time to give the illusion of moving chars.
    • If the chars are less than 16, then the BlankSpaces are displayed.
  • I/P Arguments: char *msg_ptr (msg_ptr -> pointer to the string to be scrolled)
  • Return value : none

void LCD_ScrollMessage(char *msg_ptr)
  unsigned char i,j;
  LCD_CmdWrite(0x0c);			 //Disable the Cursor
  for(i=0;msg_ptr[i];i++)        //Loop to display the complete string
    {                            //each time 16 chars are displayed and
                                 //pointer is incremented to point to next char
      LCD_GoToLineOne();                   //Move the Cursor to first line
      for(j=0;j<LCDMaxChars && msg_ptr[i+j];j++) //loop to Display first 16 Chars
	    LCD_DataWrite(msg_ptr[i+j]);                 //or till Null char
	  for(j=j; j<LCDMaxChars; j++)               //If the chars are below 16
        LCD_DataWrite(BlankSpace);              //then display blank spaces
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x0E);			  //Enable the Cursor


  • Description  :This function display hour,min,sec read from DS1307.
  • I/P Arguments: char hour,char min,char sec(hour,min,sec should be packed BCD format,as read from DS1307)
  • Return value : none

Lcd rtctime.png

void LCD_DisplayRtcTime(char hour,char min,char sec)
    LCD_DataWrite(((hour>>4) & 0x0f) + 0x30);
    LCD_DataWrite((hour & 0x0f) + 0x30);
    LCD_DataWrite(((min>>4) & 0x0f) + 0x30);
	LCD_DataWrite((min & 0x0f) + 0x30);
    LCD_DataWrite(((sec>>4) & 0x0f) + 0x30);
	LCD_DataWrite((sec & 0x0f) + 0x30);


  • Description  :This function display day,month,year read from DS1307.
  • I/P Arguments: char day,char month,char year(day,month,year should be packed BCD format,as read from DS1307)
  • Return value : none

Lcd rtcdate.png

void LCD_DisplayRtcDate(char day,char month,char year)
     LCD_DataWrite(((day>>4) & 0x0f) + 0x30);
     LCD_DataWrite((day & 0x0f) + 0x30);
     LCD_DataWrite(((month>>4) & 0x0f) + 0x30);
 	 LCD_DataWrite((month & 0x0f) + 0x30);
     LCD_DataWrite(((year>>4) & 0x0f) + 0x30);
 	LCD_DataWrite((year & 0x0f) + 0x30);

LCD_4_bit Mode

                       AVR LCD library for 4-bit mode
  • Filename: lcd_4_bit.c
  • Controller: Atmega Family(8,16,32,64,128)
  • Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
  • Author: XploreLabz
  • website: www.xplorelabz.com


  1. Pin connection for LCD display in 4-bit mode.
  2. By default the LCD is connected to PORTB.
  3. The code can be modified to connect the LCD to any of the PORTs by changing the "#define databus PORTB".

  • io.h contains the defnition of all ports and SFRs delay.h contains the in built delay routines(us and ms routines)
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <util\delay.h>
#include "lcd.h"
#define databus_direction DDRB //  LCD data and Control bus Direction Configuration
#define databus	PORTB      //	LCD databus connected to PORTB
#define control_bus PORTB      //	LCD Control bus connected to PORTB
#define rs 0                // Register select pin connected 1st bit(D0) Control bus
#define rw 1                // Read Write pin connected to 2nd bit(D1) Control bus
#define en 2                // Enable pin connected to 3rd bit(D2) Control bus
/* 16x2 LCD Specification */
#define LCDMaxLines 2
#define LCDMaxChars 16
#define LineOne 0x80
#define LineTwo 0xc0
#define BlankSpace ' '


  • Description  :This function is used to initialize the lcd in 4-bit mode
  • Function name: LCD_Init()
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none

void LCD_Init()
   databus_direction = 0xff;  // Configure both databus and controlbus as output
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x02);	       //Initilize the LCD in 4bit Mode
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x0E);	      // Display ON cursor ON
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x01);	      // Clear the LCD
   LCD_CmdWrite(0x80);	      // Move the Cursor to First line First Position


  • Description  :This function sends a command to LCD in the following steps.
    • step1: Send the Higher Nibble of the I/P command to LCD.
    • step2: Select the Control Register by making RS low.
    • step3: Select Write operation making RW low.
    • step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
    • step5: Send the Lower Nibble of the I/P command to LCD.
    • step6: Select the Control Register by making RS low.
    • step7: Select Write operation making RW low.
    • step8: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
  • I/P Arguments: 8-bit command supported by LCD.
  • Return value : none

void LCD_CmdWrite( char cmd)
    databus=(cmd & 0xf0);        // Send the Higher Nibble of the command to LCD
    control_bus &=~(1<<rs);  // Select the Command Register by pulling RS LOW
    control_bus &=~(1<<rw);  // Select the Write Operation  by pulling RW LOW
    control_bus |=1<<en;     // Send a High-to-Low Pusle at Enable Pin
    control_bus &=~(1<<en);
    _delay_us(10);				// wait for some time
   databus=((cmd<<4) & 0xf0);   // Send the Lower Nibble of the command to LCD
    control_bus &=~(1<<rs);  // Select the Command Register by pulling RS LOW
    control_bus &=~(1<<rw);  // Select the Write Operation  by pulling RW LOW
    control_bus |=1<<en;     // Send a High-to-Low Pusle at Enable Pin
    control_bus &=~(1<<en);


  • Description:This function sends a character to be displayed on LCD in the following steps.
    • step1: Send the higher nibble of the character to LCD.
    • step2: Select the Data Register by making RS high.
    • step3: Select Write operation making RW low.
    • step4: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
    • step5: wait for some time
    • step6: Send the lower nibble of the character to LCD.
    • step7: Select the Data Register by making RS high.
    • step8: Select Write operation making RW low.
    • step9: Send a High-to-Low pulse on Enable PIN with some delay_us.
  • Function name: LCD_DataWrite()
  • I/P Arguments: ASCII value of the char to be displayed.
  • Return value : none

void LCD_DataWrite( char dat)
    databus=(dat & 0xf0);	  // Send the Higher Nibble of the Data to LCD
    control_bus |=1<<rs;	  // Select the Data Register by pulling RS HIGH
    control_bus &=~(1<<rw);	  // Select the Write Operation  by pulling RW LOW
    control_bus |=1<<en;	  // Send a High-to-Low Pusle at Enable Pin
    control_bus &=~(1<<en);
   databus=((dat <<4) & 0xf0); // Send the Lower Nibble of the Data to LCD
    control_bus |=1<<rs;	   // Select the Data Register by pulling RS HIGH
    control_bus &=~(1<<rw);	   // Select the Write Operation  by pulling RW LOW
    control_bus |=1<<en;	   // Send a High-to-Low Pusle at Enable Pin
    control_bus &=~(1<<en);


                       Avr 4x4 Keypad Library
  • Filename: keypad.c
  • Controller:Atmega8/16/32/128
  • Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
  • Author: XploreLabz
  • website: www.xplorelabz.com


  • Rows are connected to lower 4-bits of PORTC
  • Cols are connected to higher 4-bits of PORTC
#include <avr\io.h>
#include <util\delay.h>
#include "keypad.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#define RowColDirection DDRB //Data Direction Configuration for keypad
#define ROW PORTB            //Lower four bits of PORTC are used as ROWs
#define COL PINB            //Higher four bits of PORTC are used as COLs


  • Description  : This function the rows and colums for keypad scan
    • ROW lines are configured as Output.
    • Column Lines are configured as Input.
  • I/P Arguments:none
  • Return value : none

void KEYPAD_Init()
       RowColDirection=0xf0;   // Configure Row lines as O/P and Column lines as I/P


  • Description  : This function waits till the previous key is released.
    • All the ROW lines are pulled low.
    • Column Lines are read to check the key press.
    • If all the Keys are released then Column lines will remain high(0x0f)
  • I/P Arguments:none
  • Return value : none
void KEYPAD_WaitForKeyRelease()
   unsigned char key;
          ROW=0x0f;         // Pull the ROW lines to low and Column high low.
	    key=COL & 0x0f;   // Read the Columns, to check the key press
       }while(key!=0x0f);   // Wait till the Key is released,
                            // If no Key is pressed, Column lines will remain high (0x0f)


  • Description  : This function waits till a new key is pressed.
    • All the ROW lines are pulled low.
    • Column Lines are read to check the key press.
    • If any Key is pressed then corresponding Column Line goes low.
    • Wait for Some time and perform the above operation to ensure the True Key Press before decoding the KEY.
  • I/P Arguments:none
  • Return value : none

void KEYPAD_WaitForKeyPress()
  unsigned char key;
	   ROW=0x0f;	   // Pull the ROW lines to low and Column lines high.
	   key=COL & 0x0F;   // Read the Columns, to check the key press
	  }while(key==0x0f); // Wait till the Key is pressed,
			         // if a Key is pressed the corresponding Column line go low
	   _delay_ms(1);		  // Wait for some time(debounce Time);
	   ROW=0x0f;		  // After debounce time, perform the above operation
	   key=COL & 0x0F;	  // to ensure the Key press.


  • Description  :This function scans all the rows to decode the key pressed.
    • Each time a ROW line is pulled low to detect the KEY.
    • Column Lines are read to check the key press.
    • If any Key is pressed then corresponding Column Line goes low.
    • Return the ScanCode(Combination of ROW & COL) for decoding the key.
  • I/P Arguments:none
  • Return value : char--> Scancode of the Key Pressed

unsigned char KEYPAD_ScanKey()
	 unsigned char ScanKey = 0xe0,i, key;
  for(i=0;i<0x04;i++)           // Scan All the 4-Rows for key press
      ROW=ScanKey + 0x0F;         // Select 1-Row at a time for Scanning the Key
      key=COL & 0x0F;             // Read the Column, for key press
      if(key!= 0x0F)             // If the KEY press is detected for the selected
         break;                   // ROW then stop Scanning,
     ScanKey=(ScanKey<<1)+ 0x10; // Rotate the ScanKey to SCAN the remaining Rows
    key = key + (ScanKey & 0xf0);  // Return the row and COL status to decode the key


  • Description:This function waits till a key is pressed and returns its ASCII Value
    • Wait till the previous key is released..
    • Wait for the new key press.
    • Scan all the rows one at a time for the pressed key.
    • Decode the key pressed depending on ROW-COL combination and returns its ASCII value.
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : char--> ASCII value of the Key Pressed

unsigned char KEYPAD_GetKey()
	unsigned char key;
      KEYPAD_WaitForKeyRelease();    // Wait for the previous key release
      KEYPAD_WaitForKeyPress();      // Wait for the new key press
      key = KEYPAD_ScanKey();        // Scan for the key pressed.
   switch(key)                       // Decode the key
        case 0xe7: key='0'; break;
        case 0xeb: key='1'; break;
        case 0xed: key='2'; break;
        case 0xee: key='3'; break;
        case 0xd7: key='4'; break;
        case 0xdb: key='5'; break;
        case 0xdd: key='6'; break;
        case 0xde: key='7'; break;
        case 0xb7: key='8'; break;
        case 0xbb: key='9'; break;
        case 0xbd: key='A'; break;
        case 0xbe: key='B'; break;
        case 0x77: key='C'; break;
        case 0x7b: key='D'; break;
        case 0x7d: key='E'; break;
        case 0x7e: key='F'; break;
       default: key='z';
   return(key);                      // Return the key


  AVR UART library for Serial Communication for 9600 baud rate at 11.0592Mhz
  • Filename: uart.c
  • Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
  • Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
  • Author: XploreLabz
  • website: www.xplorelabz.com


  • Description  :This function is used to initialize the UART at 9600 baud rate by below configuration.
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none
void UART_Init()
        UCSRB= 0x18;   // Enable Receiver and Transmitter
        UCSRC= 0x86;   // Asynchronous mode 8-bit data and 1-stop bit
        UCSRA= 0x00;   // Normal Baud rate(no doubling), Single processor commn
        UBRRH= 0;
        UBRRL= 71;     // 9600 Baud rate at 11.0592MHz


  • Description :This function is used to receive a char from UART module.
    • It waits till a char is received ie.till RXC is set,
    • RXC will be set once a CHAR is received.
    • Finally returns the received char.
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : char
char UART_RxChar()
   while((UCSRA & (1<<RXC))==0);   // Wait till the data is received
    return(UDR);                    // return the received char


  • Description  : This function is used to transmit a char through UART module.
    • It waits till previous char is transmitted ie.till UDRE is set.
    • UDRE will be set once a CHAR is transmitted ie UDR becomes empty.
    • Finally the new Char to be transmitted is loaded into UDR.
  • I/P Arguments: char--> data to be transmitted
  • Return value : none
 void UART_TxChar(char ch)
   while((UCSRA & (1<<UDRE))==0); // Wait till Transmitter(UDR) register becomes Empty
              UDR =ch;             // Load the data to be transmitted


  • Description :This function is used to transmit the ASCII string through UART.
    • The string_ptr points to the first char of the string.
    • And it is incremented each time to traverse till the end(NULL CHAR).
    • Each time a char is sent to UART_TxChar() fun to transmit it through UART
  • I/P Arguments: String(Address of the string) to be transmitted.
  • Return value : none
void UART_TxString(char *string_ptr)


  • Description  :This function is used to receive a ASCII string through UART till the carriage_return/New_line.
    • The string_ptr points to the begining of the string and each time UART_RxChar() function is called to receive a char and copy it into the buffer(STRING) and incrment string_ptr.
    • Once the carriage_return/New_line is encountered the loop is breaked and the String is NULL terminated.
  • I/P Arguments: *string_ptr(Address of the string where the received data needs to be stored)
  • Return value : none

  • The received char is ECHOED back,if not required then comment UART_TxChar(ch) in the code.
  • BackSlash is not taken care.
void UART_RxString(char *string_ptr)
     char ch;
          ch=UART_RxChar();    //Reaceive a char
          UART_TxChar(ch);     //Echo back the received char
         if((ch=='\r') || (ch=='\n')) //read till enter key is pressed
           {                          //once enter key is pressed
              *string_ptr=0;          //null terminate the string
                break;                //and break the loop
         *string_ptr=ch;              //copy the char into string.
         string_ptr++;                //and increment the pointer


  • Description  :This function is used to transmit a 5-digit integer(0-65535).
    • ex:
  1. if the number is 12345 then 12345 is transmitted.
  2. if the number is 123 then 00123 is transmitted.
  • I/P Arguments: unsigned int
  • Return value : none

UART txnumber.png

void UART_TxNumber(unsigned int num)


                                Avr I2C  library
  • Filename: I2C.c
  • Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
  • Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
  • Author: XploreLabz
  • website: www.xplorelabz.com

Refer Atmega32 for register description.

#include "i2c.h"


  • Description :This function is used to initialize the I2c Module.
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none
void I2C_Init()
  TWSR=0x00; //set presca1er bits to zero
  TWBR=0x46; //SCL frequency is 100K for XTAL = 7.3728M
  TWCR=0x04; //enab1e TWI module


  • Description  :This function is used to generate I2C Start Condition.
    • Start Condition: SDA goes low when SCL is High.
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none

I2C start.png

void I2C_Start()
  TWCR = ((1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWSTA) | (1<<TWEN));
  while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));


  • Description  :This function is used to generate I2C Stop Condition.
    • Stop Condition: SDA goes High when SCL is High.
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none

I2C stop.png

void I2C_Stop(void)
  TWCR = ((1<< TWINT) | (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWSTO));
   _delay_us(10) ; //wait for a short time


  • Description  :This function is used to send a byte on SDA line using I2C protocol
    • 8bit data is sent bit-by-bit on each clock cycle.
    • MSB(bit) is sent first and LSB(bit) is sent at last.
    • Data is sent when SCL is low.
  • I/P Arguments: unsigned char-->8bit data to be sent.
    • Return value: none

I2C write.png

void I2C_Write(unsigned char dat)
  TWDR = dat ;
  TWCR = ((1<< TWINT) | (1<<TWEN));
  while (!(TWCR & (1 <<TWINT)));


  • Description :This fun is used to receive a byte on SDA line using I2C protocol.
    • 8bit data is received bit-by-bit each clock and finally packed into Byte.
    • MSB(bit) is received first and LSB(bit) is received at last.
  • I/P Arguments: char: Acknowledgement for the Ninth clock cycle.
  • Return value : Unsigned char(received byte)

I2C read.png

unsigned char I2C_Read(unsigned char ack)
 TWCR = ((1<< TWINT) | (1<<TWEN) | (ack<<TWEA));
   while ( !(TWCR & (1 <<TWINT)));
   return TWDR;


                                        DS1307  library
  • Filename: DS1307.c
  • Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
  • Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
  • Author: XploreLabz
  • website: www.xplorelabz.com

#include <avr\io.h>
#include <util\delay.h> 
#include "ds1307.h"
#include "i2c.h"

  • Below values are fixed and should not be changed.
  • Refer Ds1307 DataSheet for more info
#define DS1307_ID 0xD0     // DS1307 ID
#define SEC_ADDRESS   0x00 // Address to access Ds1307 SEC register
#define DATE_ADDRESS  0x04 // Address to access Ds1307 DATE register
#define CONTROL 0x07       // Address to access Ds1307 CONTROL register


  • Description :This function is used to initialize the Ds1307 RTC.
    • Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
    • After selecting DS1307, write 0x00 into Control register of Ds1307
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none
void DS1307_Init()
   	I2C_Init();             // Initilize the I2c module.
	I2C_Start();            // Start I2C communication
	I2C_Write(DS1307_ID);   // Connect to DS1307 by sending its ID on I2c Bus
	I2C_Write(CONTROL);     // Select the Ds1307 ControlRegister to configure Ds1307
	I2C_Write(0x00);        // Write 0x00 to Control register to disable SQW-Out
	I2C_Stop();             // Stop I2C communication after initilizing DS1307


  • Description  :This function is used to set Time(hh,mm,ss) into the Ds1307 RTC.
    • Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
    • After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to sec.
    • Initilze Sec, MIN, Hour one after the other.
    • Stop the I2c communication.
  • I/P Arguments: char,char,char-->hh,mm,ss to initilize the time into DS1307.
  • Return value : none
void DS1307_SetTime(unsigned char hh, unsigned char mm, unsigned char ss)
	I2C_Start();            // Start I2C communication
	I2C_Write(DS1307_ID);	// connect to DS1307 by sending its ID on I2c Bus
	I2C_Write(SEC_ADDRESS); // Select the SEC RAM address
	I2C_Write(ss);			// Write sec on RAM address 00H
	I2C_Write(mm);			// Write min on RAM address 01H
	I2C_Write(hh);			// Write hour on RAM address 02H
	I2C_Stop();           	// Stop I2C communication after Setting the Time


  • Description  :This function is used to set Date(dd,mm,yy) into the Ds1307 RTC.
    • Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
    • After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x04 to point to day.
    • Initilze Day,Month and Year one after the other.
    • Stop the I2c communication.
  • I/P Arguments: char,char,char-->day,month,year to initilize the Date into DS1307.
  • Return value : none
void DS1307_SetDate(unsigned char dd, unsigned char mm, unsigned char yy)
 	I2C_Start();            // Start I2C communication
	I2C_Write(DS1307_ID);	// connect to DS1307 by sending its ID on I2c Bus
	I2C_Write(DATE_ADDRESS);		// Request DAY RAM address at 04H
	I2C_Write(dd);			// Write date on RAM address 04H
	I2C_Write(mm);			// Write month on RAM address 05H
	I2C_Write(yy);			// Write year on RAM address 06h
	I2C_Stop();				// Stop I2C communication after Setting the Date


  • Description  :This function is used to get the Time(hh,mm,ss) from Ds1307 RTC.
    • Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
    • After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to sec.
    • Get Sec, MIN, Hour one after the other.
    • Stop the I2c communication.
  • I/P Arguments: char *,char *,char *-->pointers to get the hh,mm,ss.
  • Return value : none
void DS1307_GetTime(unsigned char *h_ptr,unsigned char *m_ptr,unsigned char *s_ptr)
     I2C_Start();             // Start I2C communication
	I2C_Write(DS1307_ID);	 // connect to DS1307 by sending its ID on I2c Bus
	I2C_Write(SEC_ADDRESS); // Request Sec RAM address at 00H
     I2C_Stop();			// Stop I2C communication after selecting Sec Register
    I2C_Start();		        // Start I2C communication
    I2C_Write(0xD1);	        // connect to DS1307( under Read mode)
                                //by sending its ID on I2c Bus
  *s_ptr = I2C_Read(1);      // read second and return Positive ACK
  *m_ptr = I2C_Read(1); 	// read minute and return Positive ACK
  *h_ptr = I2C_Read(0);      // read hour and return Negative/No ACK
  I2C_Stop();		       // Stop I2C communication after reading the Time


  • Description  :This function is used to get the Date(y,m,d) from Ds1307 RTC.
    • Ds1307 ic is enabled by sending the DS1307 id on the I2C bus.
    • After selecting DS1307, select the RAM address 0x00 to point to DAY.
    • Get Day, Month, Year one after the other.
    • Stop the I2c communication.
  • I/P Arguments: char *,char *,char *-->pointers to get the y,m,d.
  • Return value : none

void DS1307_GetDate(unsigned char *d_ptr,unsigned char *m_ptr,unsigned char *y_ptr)
    I2C_Start();             // Start I2C communication
    I2C_Write(DS1307_ID);	// connect to DS1307 by sending its ID on I2c Bus
    I2C_Write(DATE_ADDRESS);		// Request DAY RAM address at 04H
    I2C_Stop();			 // Stop I2C communication after selecting DAY Register
   I2C_Start();		        // Start I2C communication
   I2C_Write(0xD1);	        // connect to DS1307( under Read mode)
                                // by sending its ID on I2c Bus
  *d_ptr = I2C_Read(1);       // read Day and return Positive ACK
  *m_ptr = I2C_Read(1);       // read Month and return Positive ACK
  *y_ptr = I2C_Read(0);       // read Year and return Negative/No ACK
  I2C_Stop();		       // Stop I2C communication after reading the Time


                               Avr Eeprom library
  • Filename: eeprom.c
  • Controller: Atmega8/16/32/128
  • Oscillator: 11.0592 MHz
  • Author: XploreLabz
  • website: www.xplorelabz.com
  • Reference: Atmega8/16/32 dataSheet for Control register description.
  • The below value should be set depending on the controller by refering the respective data sheet.
#define MaxEepromSize 1024


  • Description:This function is used to write the data at specified EEPROM_address.
    • Wait till previous write operation is completed(ie wait till EEWE becomes zero).
    • Load the eeprom address into EEAR at which the data has to be stored.
    • Load the data into EEDR which has to be stored in Eeprom.
    • Set the EEMWE(Eeprom Master Write Enable) and within four clock cycles.
    • set EEWE(Eeprom Write Enable) to trigger the Eeprom Write Opeartion.
  • I/P Arguments: int,char-->eeprom_address at which eeprom_data is to be written.
  • Return value : none
void EEPROM_WriteByte(unsigned int eeprom_Address, unsigned char eeprom_Data)
  while(EECR & (1<<EEWE));   // Wait for completion of previous write, EEWE will be
                             // cleared by hardware once Eeprom write is completed  
    EEAR = eeprom_Address;  //Load the eeprom adddress and data
    EEDR = eeprom_Data;                  
    EECR |= (1<<EEMWE);    // Write logical one to EEMWE 
    EECR |= (1<<EEWE);     // Start eeprom write by setting EEWE


  • Description: This function is used to read the data from specified EEPROM_address.
    • WAit for completion of previous Write operation.
    • EEWE will be cleared once EEprom write is completed.
    • Load the eeprom address into EEAR from where the data needs to be read.
    • Trigger the eeprom read operation by setting EERE(Eeprom Read Enable).
    • Wait for some time and collect the read data from EEDR.
  • I/P Arguments: int-->eeprom_address from where eeprom_data is to be read.
  • Return value : char-->data read from Eeprom.

unsigned char EEPROM_ReadByte(unsigned int eeprom_Address)
  while(EECR & (1<<EEWE));  //Wait for completion of previous write if any.
  EEAR = eeprom_Address;    //Load the address from where the datas needs to be read. 
  EECR |=(1<<EERE);         // start eeprom read by setting EERE 
   return EEDR;             // Return data from data register 


  • Description:This function is used to write N-bytes of data at specified EEPROM_address.
    • EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at atime.
    • Source(RAM) and destination(EEPROM) address are incremented after each write.
    • NoOfBytes is Decemented each time a byte is written.
    • Above Operation is carried out till all the bytes are written(NoOfBytes!=0).
  • I/P Arguments:
  1. int,-->eeprom_address from where the N-bytes are to be written.
  2. char*-->Pointer to the N-bytes of data to be written.
  3. char --> Number of bytes to be written
  • Return value : none
void EEPROM_WriteNBytes(unsigned int EepromAddr, unsigned char *RamAddr, char NoOfBytes)
  while(NoOfBytes !=  0)
	EEPROM_WriteByte(EepromAddr,*RamAddr); //Write a byte from RAM to EEPROM
	    EepromAddr++;				   //Incerement the Eeprom Address
		RamAddr++;				  //Increment the RAM Address
		NoOfBytes--;			 //Decrement NoOfBytes after writing each Byte


  • Description: This function is used to Read N-bytes of data from specified EEPROM_address.
    • EEPROM_ReadByte() func is called to read a byte at a time.
    • Source(RAM) and destination(EEPROM) address are incremented each time.
    • NoOfBytes is Decemented after a byte is read.
    • Above Operation is carried out till all the bytes are read(NoOfBytes!=0).
  • I/P Arguments:
  1. int,-->eeprom_address from where the N-bytes is to be read.
  2. char*-->Pointer into which the N-bytes of data is to be read.
  3. char --> Number of bytes to be Read
  • Return value : none
void EEPROM_ReadNBytes(unsigned int EepromAddr, unsigned char *RamAddr, char NoOfBytes)
   while(NoOfBytes !=  0)
	 *RamAddr = EEPROM_ReadByte(EepromAddr);//Read a byte from EEPROM to RAM
	    EepromAddr++;				    //Incerement the Eeprom Address
	 	RamAddr++;			         //Increment the RAM Address
	 	NoOfBytes--;			  //Decrement NoOfBytes after Reading each Byte


  • Description: This function is used to Write a String at specified EEPROM_address.
    • EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at a time.
    • Source(RAM) and destination(EEPOM) address are incremented each time.
    • Above Operation is carried out till Null char is identified.
  • I/P Arguments:
  1. int,-->eeprom_address where the String is to be written.
  2. char*-->Pointer to String which has to be written.
  • Return value : none

  • NOTE: Null char is also written into the eeprom.
void EEPROM_WriteString(unsigned int eeprom_address, unsigned char * source_address)
 	  EEPROM_WriteByte(eeprom_address,*source_address); //Write a byte from RAM to EEPROM
 	    source_address++;					    //Increment the RAM Address
 		eeprom_address++;					   //Increment the Eeprom Address
 	  } while(*(source_address-1) !=0);


  • Description: This function is used to Read a String from specified EEPROM_address.
    • EEPROM_ReadByte() function is called to read a byte at a time.
    • Source(EEPROM) and destination(RAM) address are incremented each time.
    • Above Operation is carried out till Null char is identified.
  • I/P Arguments:
  1. int,-->eeprom_address from where the String is to be read.
  2. char*-->Pointer into which the String is to be read.
  • Return value : none

void EEPROM_ReadString(unsigned int eeprom_address, unsigned char * destination_address)
   char eeprom_data;
	  eeprom_data = EEPROM_ReadByte(eeprom_address); //Read a byte from EEPROM to RAM
 	    *destination_address = eeprom_data;	       //Copy the data into String Buffer
 	     destination_address++;			      //Increment the RAM Address
 	 	 eeprom_address++;			     //Increment the Eeprom Address


  • Description: This function is used to erase the entire Eeprom memory.
    • Eeprom is filled with 0xFF to accomplish the Eeprom Erase.
    • EEPROM_WriteByte() function is called to write a byte at a time.
    • Whole memory(0-MaxEepromSize) is traversed and filled with 0xFF.
  • I/P Arguments: none
  • Return value : none

  void EEPROM_Erase()
	 unsigned int eeprom_address;
          EEPROM_WriteByte(eeprom_address,0xff); // Write Each memory location with OxFF