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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description
18:12, 5 April 2016 0Interfacing LCDs with Atmega128 Breakout bb.png (file) 552 KB Raghavendra  
15:52, 6 April 2016 Interface Seven Segment with Atmega128.gif (file) 1,015 KB Raghavendra  
16:11, 6 April 2016 0Interfaceing Seven segment with Atmega128.gif (file) 1,015 KB Raghavendra  
16:12, 6 April 2016 Interfacing Seven Segment Display with Atmega128 Breakout bb.png (file) 514 KB Raghavendra  
10:50, 7 April 2016 Interfaceing RTC with Atmega128.gif (file) 717 KB Raghavendra  
11:12, 7 April 2016 Interfacing RTC with Atmega128 Breakout bb.png (file) 702 KB Raghavendra  
16:20, 13 April 2016 PIR Sensor naming.png (file) 402 KB Raghavendra  
14:38, 15 April 2016 PIR basic interface bb.png (file) 236 KB Raghavendra  
17:35, 15 April 2016 PIR sensor with Atmega128.png (file) 507 KB Raghavendra  
18:02, 15 April 2016 0PIR sensor.jpg (file) 38 KB Raghavendra  
15:25, 21 April 2016 ATmega128breakout SerialComm bb.png (file) 168 KB Raghavendra  
17:56, 21 April 2016 Explore Starter AVR schematic.pdf (file) 109 KB Raghavendra  
18:14, 21 April 2016 ATMEGA32 Datasheet.pdf (file) 5.69 MB Raghavendra  
18:38, 21 April 2016 Explore Starter PIC Schematic.pdf (file) 103 KB Raghavendra  
18:42, 21 April 2016 PIC16F877A Datasheet.pdf (file) 4.27 MB Raghavendra  
19:05, 21 April 2016 Nuvoton w78E052DDG Datasheet.pdf (file) 1.43 MB Raghavendra  
19:18, 21 April 2016 Explore Starter 8051 schematic.pdf (file) 110 KB Raghavendra  
14:03, 22 April 2016 Starter AVR Tutorials image.png (file) 698 KB Raghavendra  
11:27, 23 April 2016 PICKIT 2 programmer.png (file) 367 KB Raghavendra  
13:33, 23 April 2016 PICKit2 application software.png (file) 145 KB Raghavendra  
13:48, 23 April 2016 PICkit 2 not found.png (file) 37 KB Raghavendra  
14:33, 23 April 2016 PICkit2andstater.jpeg (file) 204 KB Raghavendra  
14:39, 23 April 2016 PICkit2 check communication.png (file) 43 KB Raghavendra  
15:28, 23 April 2016 PICkit 2 import hex file.png (file) 47 KB Raghavendra  
15:51, 23 April 2016 PICkit2 succesful.png (file) 52 KB Raghavendra  
17:28, 23 April 2016 DS30 window.png (file) 40 KB Raghavendra  
17:36, 23 April 2016 DS30 loader successfully.png (file) 38 KB Raghavendra  
10:31, 25 April 2016 LPC2148 stick Schematic.pdf (file) 118 KB Raghavendra  
10:35, 25 April 2016 LPC2148 Datasheet.pdf (file) 391 KB Raghavendra  
13:59, 25 April 2016 LPC1768 Stick Schematic.pdf (file) 155 KB Raghavendra  
14:18, 25 April 2016 Ultra DB X51 v1 Schematic.pdf (file) 374 KB Raghavendra  
12:59, 26 April 2016 LPC1768 Tutorials Screenshot.png (file) 767 KB Raghavendra  
14:15, 5 May 2016 Tit Setting up.png (file) 90 KB Raghavendra  
16:11, 6 May 2016 7SegmentSignleDigit bb.png (file) 622 KB Raghavendra  
16:16, 6 May 2016 7Segment4Digit bb.png (file) 636 KB Raghavendra  
11:47, 7 May 2016 LCD 16X2 8bit bb.png (file) 543 KB Raghavendra  
15:22, 7 May 2016 TitPWMLED.gif (file) 1.09 MB Raghavendra  
16:20, 7 May 2016 LCD 16X2 4bit bb.png (file) 554 KB Raghavendra Reverted to version as of 10:29, 7 May 2016
14:19, 14 May 2016 HB23881ASR 8x8 dot matrix.pdf (file) 90 KB Raghavendra  
14:29, 16 May 2016 ADCExample bb.png (file) 591 KB Raghavendra  
13:16, 15 June 2016 Nuvoton starter board.JPG (file) 158 KB Raghavendra  
18:28, 15 June 2016 8051 hookup.JPG (file) 1,013 KB Raghavendra  
18:32, 15 June 2016 0Output 2un4ub.gif (file) 572 KB Raghavendra  
17:30, 17 June 2016 0LEDSwitch 8051.gif (file) 410 KB Raghavendra  
17:09, 20 June 2016 LCD 4bit8051.JPG (file) 241 KB Raghavendra  
17:12, 20 June 2016 LCD20 4 8051.JPG (file) 204 KB Raghavendra  
17:36, 6 July 2016 SIM800L.PNG (file) 44 KB Raghavendra  
18:47, 6 July 2016 GPRS.PNG (file) 44 KB Raghavendra  
16:20, 28 July 2016 MAX7219 LED driver.pdf (file) 451 KB Raghavendra  
10:45, 29 July 2016 0 Joystick with Arduino bb.png (file) 114 KB Raghavendra  

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