Setting up oneMicro ATmega128
This is a quick tutorial on how to setup the tool-chain and program the oneMicro Atmega128. Once the board is setup, you can go through our AVR Tutorial series for your further exploration of the board.
To use the board, you simply need to pick up a micro USB cable and connect the oneMicro to the computer. The board comes with on board USB to Serial converter CP2102. Install the CP2102 driver for your operating system. The steps for windows are covered in this tutorial.
You may use AVR GCC command line to compile and use the code. If you're on windows and trying to use Atmel Studio, this tutorial covers all the basics on setting up and using the IDE.
Flasing the hex file
In this tutorial series we are using Xplore Flash to transfer the hex file to the target MCU. Steps below show how to trasfer the hex file to the MCU using Xplore Flash.
- Open the Xplore Flash and select programmer as Arduino .
- Connect the AVR breakout board to computer through USB to serial breakout so it will detect as a COM port.Select a COM port and set baud rate 57600 .
- Click on "detect" ,it will detect the MCU as ATmega128.
- After detecting the MCU browse the hex file .
- Then just click on Go. it will erases, Flashes and verifies the hex file.
Checkout the Blinky with AVR Breakout tutorial, on how to set up the software, generate a hex file and blink an LED.