Interfacing LCDs with AVR Breakout
In this tutorial let's interface a 16x1,16x2 and 20x4 character display with AVR breakout board. For this tutorial we will require a LCD Breakout.
LCD can be interfaced with AVR breakout in two modes i.e. 8 bit and 4 bit. Let's
interface it in 4 bit mode.We will connect the display in 4 bit mode. You can change it to 8 bit mode making changes in connections and corresponding code. Hardware connections remain same for LCD 16x1,16x2,20x4 as shown in hook up.
Refer 8051 Tutorial for basics of character LCDs
Hook Up
LCD 16 x 1
#include "lcd.h" int main() { /*Connect RS->PB0, RW->PB1, EN->PB2 and data bus to PORTC.4 to PORTC.7*/ LCD_SetUp(PB_0,PB_1,PB_2,P_NC,P_NC,P_NC,P_NC,PC_4,PC_5,PC_6,PC_7); LCD_Init(1,16); LCD_DisplayString("Explore"); while(1); return (0); }
LCD 16 x 2
#include "lcd.h" int main() { /*Connect RS->PB0, RW->PB1, EN->PB2 and data bus to PORTC.4 to PORTC.7*/ LCD_SetUp(PB_0,PB_1,PB_2,P_NC,P_NC,P_NC,P_NC,PC_4,PC_5,PC_6,PC_7); LCD_Init(2,16); LCD_DisplayString("Explore Embedded"); LCD_DisplayString("Lcd 4-bit Mode"); while(1); return (0); }
LCD 20 x 4
#include "lcd.h" int main() { /*Connect RS->PB0, RW->PB1, EN->PB2 and data bus to PORTC.4 to PORTC.7*/ LCD_SetUp(PB_0,PB_1,PB_2,P_NC,P_NC,P_NC,P_NC,PC_4,PC_5,PC_6,PC_7); LCD_Init(4,20); LCD_DisplayString("Explore Embedded\n"); LCD_DisplayString("LCD 4-bit Mode\n"); LCD_DisplayString("20 x 4 \n"); LCD_DisplayString(":) :O"); while(1); return (0); }
The image below shows 16x2 LCD interfaced AVR breakout.
Download the complete project folder from the below link:
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