Sandeep (talk) 21:48, 30 August 2015 (IST)

We have been interacting with students of various Engineering colleges for quite some time now. We give a brief seminar on how to get started with Embedded Systems as a part of Explore Embedded Outreach program. It have been overhelmed with the response of students. The demos and the talk we think is able to generate some interest. However, when the seminar is over and informal discussions start, we flooded with questions of all kind. Hence I thought why not write them down and answer over here. It could be helpful not just to students but anyone who is trying to get started with all of this. If you have a question, do not hesistate to post it in the comments. As they say "No question is We will do our best to answer it.

How do I get started?

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about micrcontrollers.

  • 1. Which microcontroller should I use?
  • 2. What happens to the previous program/code when I program a new one?
  • 3. How many times can a program a microcontroller?
  • 4. What do I use to store data permanently(after power cycle)?
  • 5. What should I use PIC or AVR?
  • 6. Can I simulate the microcontrollers features on computer?
  • 7. How do I get started?
  • 8. How do I know if the sensor value(temperature/humidity/pressure) is accurate? How do I know what I am getting is correct?
  • 9. How do I program a Microcontroller?
  • 10. I have studied 8051, how much time will it take to learn a PIC or AVR?