Hands on PIC Microcontrollers
Session-1: Basics and Background
Why learn about MCUs?
Features: Speed, Programmable and versatile.
MCUs in real time application
Generic Classification and choice
What really is a ALU?
Why PIC is still relevant?
PIC Architecture in brief.
Covering the C basics.
Setting up the tools.
Session-2 : Interfacing.
Blinking LEDs
Reading Switches and some logical operations
Interfacing 7 Segment display
Interfacing Hex Keypad
Interfacing 16x2 LCD.
Introduction to PIC Timers and Counters
Generating Delay with timers
Counting objects with counters
Introduction to serial communicat
Sending/Receiving chars, strings and processing data
Basics of I2C
Interfacing Real time clock DS130
Interfacing DC/Stepper Motors with L293D
Interfacing Relays
Interfacing Buzzer
Interfacing ADC
Read a potentiometer
Interfacing Temperature sensor LM35
- Measuring Light with LDR