
Defination void I2C_Init()
Input Arguments none
Return Value none
Description This function is used to initialize the I2C module.
Usage I2C_Init();


Defination void I2C_Start()
Input Arguments none
Return Value none
Description This function is used to generate I2C Start Condition.
Start Condition: SDA goes low when SCL is High.
Usage I2C_Start();


Defination void I2C_Stop()
Input Arguments none
Return Value none
Description This function is used to generate I2C Stop Condition.
Stop Condition: SDA goes High when SCL is High.
Usage I2C_Stop();


Defination void I2C_Write(uint8_t var_i2cData_u8)
Input Arguments uint8_t : 8-bit data to be transmitted.
Return Value none
Description This function is used to send a byte on SDA line using I2C protocol.
8bit data is sent bit-by-bit on each clock cycle.
MSB(bit) is sent first and LSB(bit) is sent at last.
Usage I2C_Write(0x05); //transmits 0x05 on I2C lines
I2C_Write(var_i2cData_u8); //Transmits 8bit data stored in var_i2cData_u8


Defination uint8_t I2C_Read(uint8_t var_ackOption_u8)
Input Arguments uint8_t: Acknowledgement to be sent after data reception.
  • 1:Positive acknowledgement
  • 0:Negative acknowledgement
Return Value uint8_t: Data received form I2C lines.
Description This fun is used to receive a byte on SDA line using I2C protocol.
void mian()
    *ptr_sec_u8 = I2C_Read(1);                // read second and return Positive ACK
    *ptr_min_u8 = I2C_Read(1); 	             // read minute and return Positive ACK
    *ptr_hour_u8 = I2C_Read(0);              // read hour and return Negative/No ACK


/*Below examples demonstrate the usage of I2C library to read and write the RTC(DS1307) time. */
void RTC_SetTime(uint8_t var_hour_u8, uint8_t var_min_u8, uint8_t var_sec_u8)
	I2C_Start();                            // Start I2C communication
	I2C_Write(C_Ds1307WriteMode_U8);        // connect to DS1307 by sending its ID on I2c Bus
	I2C_Write(C_Ds1307SecondRegAddress_U8); // Select the SEC RAM address
	I2C_Write(var_sec_u8);	               // Write sec from RAM address 00H
	I2C_Write(var_min_u8);	               // Write min from RAM address 01H
	I2C_Write(var_hour_u8);	               // Write hour from RAM address 02H
	I2C_Stop();                 	      // Stop I2C communication after Setting the Time
void RTC_GetTime(uint8_t *ptr_hour_u8,uint8_t *ptr_min_u8,uint8_t *ptr_sec_u8)
	I2C_Start();                              // Start I2C communication
	I2C_Write(C_Ds1307WriteMode_U8);	        // connect to DS1307 by sending its ID on I2c Bus
	I2C_Write(C_Ds1307SecondRegAddress_U8);   // Request Sec RAM address at 00H
	I2C_Stop();			        // Stop I2C communication after selecting Sec Register
	I2C_Start();		                // Start I2C communication
	I2C_Write(C_Ds1307ReadMode_U8);         // connect to DS1307(Read mode) by sending its ID
	*ptr_sec_u8 = I2C_Read(1);               // read second and return Positive ACK
	*ptr_min_u8 = I2C_Read(1); 	     // read minute and return Positive ACK
	*ptr_hour_u8 = I2C_Read(0);             // read hour and return Negative/No ACK
	I2C_Stop();		                    // Stop I2C communication after reading the Time