
Defination void EEPROM_WriteByte(uint16_t eeprom_Address, uint8_t eeprom_Data)
Input Arguments uint16_t: eeprom_address at which eeprom_data is to be written. uint8_t-->byte of data to be to be written in eeprom.
Return Value none
Description This function is used to write the data at specified EEPROM_address..


Defination void EEPROM_WriteNBytes(uint16_t EepromAddr, uint8_t *RamAddr, uint16_t NoOfBytes)
Input Arguments uint16_t,-->eeprom_address from where the N-bytes are to be written.

uint8_t*-->Pointer to the N-bytes of data to be written. uint16_t --> Number of bytes to be written.

Return Value none
Description This function is used to write N-bytes of data at specified EEPROM_address.


Defination void EEPROM_WriteString(uint16_t eeprom_address, char * source_address)
Input Arguments uint16_t,-->eeprom_address where the String is to be written.

char*-->Pointer to String which has to be written.

Return Value none
Description This function is used to Write a String at specified EEPROM_address.NOTE: Null char is also written into the eeprom.


Defination void EEPROM_Erase()
Input Arguments none
Return Value none
Description This function is used to erase the entire Eeprom memory. Eeprom is filled with 0xFF to accomplish the Eeprom Erase.Whole memory(C_MaxEepromSize) is traversed and filled with 0xFF.


Defination uint8_t EEPROM_ReadByte(uint16_t eeprom_Address)
Input Arguments uint16_t-->eeprom_address from where eeprom_data is to be read.
Return Value uint8_t-->data read from Eeprom.
Description This function is used to read the data from specified EEPROM_address.


Defination void EEPROM_ReadNBytes(uint16_t EepromAddr, uint8_t *RamAddr, uint16_t NoOfBytes)
Input Arguments uint16_t,-->eeprom_address from where the N-bytes is to be read.

uint8_t*-->Pointer into which the N-bytes of data is to be read.

uint16_t --> Number of bytes to be Read.

Return Value none
Description This function is used to Read N-bytes of data from specified EEPROM_address. The data read from the eeprom will be copied into the RamAddress passed.Care should be taken to allocate enough buffer to read the data.


Defination void EEPROM_ReadString(uint16_t eeprom_address, char * destination_address)
Input Arguments uint16_t,-->eeprom_address from where the String is to be read.

char*-->Pointer into which the String is to be read.

Return Value none
Description This function is used to Read a String from specified EEPROM_address.The string read from eeprom will be copied to specified buffer and NULL terminated.