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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <links plcontinue="1|0|LPC2148_ADC_Programming" />
      <page pageid="1" ns="0" title="Main Page">
          <pl ns="0" title="A7.8051 Interfacing ADC: LDR" />
          <pl ns="0" title="Analog JoyStick with Arduino" />
          <pl ns="0" title="Buzzer with PIC18F4520 Starter Board" />
          <pl ns="0" title="Explore M3 Arduino Installer" />
          <pl ns="0" title="Explore Ping-Pong with Arduino" />
          <pl ns="0" title="Generating PWM with PIC18F4520" />
          <pl ns="0" title="Interactive Menus for your project with a Display and an Encoder" />
          <pl ns="0" title="LCD Interface with PIC18F4520 Starter Board" />
          <pl ns="0" title="LED Blinking with PIC18F4520 Starter Board" />
          <pl ns="0" title="LPC2148: LCD Interface 8-Bit Mode" />