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      <page pageid="5" ns="0" title="A simple example for beginners: LED Breakout" />
      <page pageid="19" ns="0" title="7.8051 Interfacing:LEDs" />
      <page pageid="75" ns="0" title="0.Introduction to 8051" />
      <page pageid="77" ns="0" title="1.8051 Architecture" />
      <page pageid="78" ns="0" title="PCB DesignWorkshop" />
      <page pageid="126" ns="0" title="ALU in Detail" />
      <page pageid="135" ns="0" title="Peripheral boards, Sheilds and breakouts" />
      <page pageid="202" ns="0" title="8051 Ultra Development Kit" />
      <page pageid="203" ns="0" title="AVR Development Kit" />
      <page pageid="207" ns="0" title="Project list" />