oneMicro PIC16F877A

oneMicro is evolution of various experiments with breakout boards for Microcontrollers that we have been developing for quite some time. oneMicro is series of simple, programmable, breadboard friendly and bare-minimum breakout boards for majority of your favorite microcontrollers. oneMicro PIC16F877A is breakout the popular Microchip PIC16F877A chip. The board has CP2102 usb to serial convertor and comes with pre-programmed bootloader. This allows programming of the board with any external hardware.  The tutorial shown below can be followed to install CP2102 driver on a windows computer. 

Features : 

  • Dimensions : 25mm X 20mm X 63mm ( L X W X H)
  • Fits on Breadboard

Downloads :


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We are build this stuff, check back again soon!